From My Day at Jeff Revell’s PhotoWalk DC


I’ve been trying to get a few shots up from my and Matt’s trip up to Washington DC to Jeff Revell’s (of fame) PhotoWalk in the trendy Adams/Morgan neighborhood in DC, but last week’s Lighting Gear Week threw my schedule for a loop. (That’s Jeff shown above, during the walk).

I did way too much visiting with other PhotoWalkers, and way too little time shooting, and not surprisingly I really didn’t get any shots I was too happy with, but I still had a blast. PhotoWalks are a social photography event, and I enjoyed meeting and talking with the other photographers as much as I did the shooting itself, but I still found it fascinating to see what other people shot, how they saw the same scenes differently than I did, and it was humbling to see all the great shots I missed. (Here’s the link to the flickr group Jeff created for people who went on the walk).

That not withstanding, it was such a great time that the next chance I get to do a PhotoWalk, I’m definitely “in” (though I’m just going to pay a little more attention to the shooting next time. But just a little). Here’s a few shots from the day (click for larger versions):







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