Tomorrow’s Special Guest Blogger Is……

….Hollywood Movie Poster designer, and Photoshop genius designer, Tom Opasinski.

I first learned about Tom back when he was still living in Poland. He was a NAPP member and had been in touch with my brother Jeff (who used to be NAPP’s Executive Director before he retired a few years back). Jeff showed me some of his work back then and I was wow’d. He had always told Jeff how he dreamed that one day he could come to a Photoshop World conference. Well, one day came, he did, and Tom walked away with a Guru Award to boot. The next time I heard about Tom he had moved to Los Angeles, and a little while later I heard he was designing Hollywood movie posters. Not bad, eh?

Well, tomorrow I have to honor of sharing Tom’s work with you, and I’m just tickled to see how far this talented young designer has come, and can’t wait to see what he has to share with us, so make sure you check out his story tomorrow.

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