It’s Pimpy, It’s Thursday, It’s Pimpy and It’s Thursday!

Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. Tour
Photography & Photoshop: From Focus to Finished Tour
Jeremy Cowart: Photographing the Eli Young Band
Scott Kelby’s Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. Book
Matt Mega Bundle
The Compositing Secrets & Mastering Blend Modes Bundle
NAPP Gear Store
Kelby Training
Terry White Drobo Contest
Manfrotto School of Xcellence Datacolor Webinar
Scott Kelby Guest Blogs

  1. Sorry I am going to miss your visit on Friday Scott – your first time back since the Lightroom tour and I am starting a new job – what were the odds!?

    Lotsa cool pimpy stuff here though! I know a lot of people that could benefit from the Manfrotto webinar… I also know of a second Drobo contest if people wanna increase their chances of winning, but don’t want to usurp the post or anything so will let people decide for themselves…

  2. Good pimpyness this week. I’ll be checking out Jeremy Cowart’s new class for sure.

    BTW, as far as the singing goes….don’t give up your day jobs…. :D


  3. Scott,
    Just an fyi, Jeremy Cowarts new class on Kelby Training has some video issues. Some of the videos cut out about a minute or two into watching them. For example, watch the video called “publicity shot” and you will see what I’m talking about. I noticed this when the class was first posted. I emailed the team at kelby training as well, do far I don’t think it has been fixed yet. Thanks Scott!

    1. Hi Brian: They are tracking down the problem, and I think they may have already found a fix. I just contacted our Web team, and gave them your address to follow you. You should hear from them shortly. Thanks for the heads up—it’s much appreciated. :)

  4. Scott,
    I will be attending the Light It workshop in Portland on Monday and I was wondering what, if any, materials I should bring i.e., laptop, camera, etc.


  5. Scott,
    I’m looking forward to your seminar in Denver tomorrow. Hopefully your computer behaves better than it did the last time you were in Denver! :) I can’t wait for all of the photography, lighting, & Photoshop goodness. Your seminars rock!

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