Some Shots from the Falcons / 49ers NFL Championship Game (and a cool giveaway!)

Above: One of my favorite shots from my remote cameras positioned right next to the Pyro. I particularly like the way his headshot and name appear on the giant video screen behind him, which honestly was a “happy accident.”

OK, the outcome wasn’t what we were hoping for, but it was a great game, and a great season for the Falcons, and I was just tickled to even be a small part of their post-season photo coverage team. Before we get to all the remote camera stuff, a little background on shooting the game:

There were eight photographers covering the game for the Falcons (their regular crew of superstars led by Jimmy Cribbs, along with Michael Benford, Lynn Bass and Matt Lange), and we were all given a long assignment sheet (from Michael) of the shots we needed to cover before, during, and after the game (a small snippet is show above) in addition to covering the regular game action.  Michael knows I’m into the whole remote camera thing but we planned our most ambitious remote shoot yet.

I would be shooting three to four remote cameras for the player intros, but I wanted to have one camera rigged up at the top of the dome aiming down at the 50-yard-line. Since I can’t climb more than three steps up on a step-ladder, I knew I was going to need help. I called Bill Frakes (long time Sports Illustrated living legend, Kelby Training Instructor and powerful overlord of camera remotes — he uses up to 30 remote cameras when he covers the Kentucky Derby each year), to ask for his advice on where to place remote cameras, and if knew someone brave enough to rig a camera or two at the top of the Georgia Dome aiming down at the field. He turned me on to Kevin Liles (who is based in Atlanta) who regularly rigs remotes for Sports Illustrated, and Kevin (who was awesome by the way) did the high-wire act that is rigging way up at the top of a stadium dome that holds 72,000 people (not for the faint of heart).

That’s a glimpse of Kevin doing an easy install — rigging a remote on the semi-cicrular truss the players run through during the player intros, seen in the shot at the top of the page. But soon he would making the 45-minute arduous task of climbing to the top of the dome while carrying a heavy backpack filled with three cameras and lots of lenses.

Shooting from the assignment list
Michael Benford (my buddy and one of the best guys ever), is the Falcon’s Creative Director, and he and Matt Lange create all the cool graphics and signs and game day graphics (and program) you see throughout the stadium, so it’s important to them that we cover more than just the action. I kept the shot list with me and made darn sure I covered as much of that list as I could, which included getting shots of fans, the half-time entertainment, on-field signage, celebrities (like Usher and Fox Sport’s Jay Glazer), players interacting with fans and signing autographs, football gear (things that could be used as graphic elements) and the sights and sounds surrounding the game. I put together a few in the grid you see above (created in Lightroom’s Print Module and saved as a JPEG).

Shooting the Game Action
Here’s a shot of all my gear, and just a few shots of the game action (remote shots to follow); I was more focused on the shot list (and my remote overhead at aimed at the 50-yard line) than the game. I figured with seven other photographers shooting the game action, they pretty much had every angle covered, but I still got a few shots.

CAMERA SETTINGS: Two bodies: a Nikon D4 and a D3s. Main body with a 400mm f/2.8 lens and 2nd body with a 70-200mm f/2.8. Shot at f/2.8 all day, ISO up around 2,000 – 2,500 all day to get my shutter speed to 1/1000 of a second or faster.

Above: Running four remotes and doing game coverage means you have to take a bunch of gear (luckily, I had Brad Moore to put all this together, test it, and get it ready to roll. I checked the Pelican case and my clothes bag, the backpack and roller bag went on the plane with me. 5 bodies, 6 lenses, lots of PocketWizards, cables, ballheads, and stuff. Uggh!).

OK. onto the Remote Camera Stuff
The Falcons do a big intro package for their players and the fans absolutely love it. It’s important for the Falcons photo crew to capture this so we kind of went all out!!!

I was able to work in advance with the pyrotechnics crew (seriously great guys) to be able to position two cameras on the ground (marked #1 and #2), and for the first time we mounted a camera on top of the truss archway the players run through (camera #2 circle below).

To be able to mount and place these remotes, you need the advance permission of the Pryo crew (they are an outside company that specializes in pryo and they are hired by the team). Their main focus is safety (players and fans), and they assemble this rig in about two minutes flat. It has to be up, wired and in place about 10 minutes before the players make their entrance, so you can’t just walk up in the midst of all this safety preparation and start plopping down cameras. We worked this all out in advance (via email), but I had worked with this crew before and they are just absolutely great people (especially considering that accommodating photographers is probably nowhere in their contract). But honestly, these guys go above and beyond because I’ve never met a Pyro crew that was more willing to help us out to get some great angles and access.

Above: It’s not a pretty shot but here’s a closer-look at one of my remotes. This is all held up by a metal floor plate designed for just such purposes called an fplate (from, and it has holes drilled into so you can mount a ballhead on it so you can angle you camera wherever you want it. On top of that is a PocketWizard III — my first time using the IIIs and they FANTASTIC!!! I liked the IIs, but the IIIs are much better (and I’m ordering more!). 

OK, so for this game I had Brad call and order me a few more fplates (shown above from the company’s site), and the company that makes them ( was kind enough to give me one to give away here on the blog, so….if you want to enter, just leave a comment here with the word “fplate” somewhere in your comment, and we’ll pick a winner and ship you the plate. I swear by these things! By the way: the PocketWizard-shaped hole is so you can mount a Wizard there and keep it there and still access the battery compartment. That way you can keep these rigs pretty much in one piece between games. Now, if you don’t win, you can still buy one for just $55 (worth every penny!). Great for Baseball, horse racing, basketball, motorsports — you name it!

Here are some remote shots from the player intros: 
I used four cameras (three mounted and one hand-held — when I fired my hand-held camera, with a PocketWizard on top, it fired all the three other remotes, all capturing the same moment, but from different angles, perspectives and focal ranges. I’ve included an image of the same player (Falcon’s Cornerback Asante Samuel) shot at same moment from all four cameras (read each photo’s captions for more details) plus some behind the scenes stuff as well.

Above: The view from Floor Remote Camera #1

Above: The view of the same moment from remote #2, mounted up on the archway truss.

Above: The view of the same moment from Remote camera #3 on the ground.

Above: Here’s camera #4 — my handheld camera with a Sigma 15mm Fisheye lens to capture more of the stadium in the shot. When I fired this shot, the PocketWizard mounted on my camera fired the other three cameras at the same time, all wirelessly.

Above: That white circle on the left is where I’m shooting from (this image is taken with Camera #2).

Set-up Stuff
Here’s some behind-the-scenes about the set-up.

Above: To keep the camera away from the very cold CO2 smoke canisters, we had to mount the camera upside down (here’s a shot as we’re mounting it), on the truss. So when I brought the images into my computer I had to first rotate them 180°, which took all of two-clicks. This one is using one of my older PocketWizard Plus IIs as a receiver (I didn’t have enough Plus IIIs to cover all the remotes).

Above: The arch truss is assembled and stored off to the side until right before the players come out, and this was our only opportunity to mount Camera #2. I had to stand at the approximate distance where the players would pause as they come out for us to set the focus (using Auto Focus) and then switch the lens to Manual Focus and lock it down with Gaffer’s tape so it doesn’t slip or move.

Above: Once the truss was put into its final position and the Pyro crew rolled the pyro gear into place, we did a quick retest to make sure everything was working. That’s the Falcons Matt Lange posing with me, and we’re both listening to hear all four cameras fire and I press the shutter in the camera I’m holding in my hand. Everything worked (Whew!). I also ran a wireless remote with my camera connected to the end of my Monopod so I could extend it up and over the heads of the players during warm-up and/or at the coin toss. So, there’s one PocketWizard in my hand, and one on top of the camera mounted on the monopod, with a 15mm fish-eye on the camera.

Above: So, how did I get a shot like this in the middle of the game? Well, if you look closely, it’s not in the middle of the game — that’s Falcons vs Falcons — during the pre-game warmup. I’m actually right behind Snelling (#44) with my monopod balanced on my leg high above his head. I corrected the fisheye effect in Photoshop with one click (profile correction in the Lens Correction filter). 

Above: Here’s what the shot looked like coming out of the fisheye, without cropping and without the Lens Correction fix. I do kind of like it (and that you see the coach), but overall the elements on the bottom of the image are kind of distracting even if I like the overall fish-eye look. 

Above: Here’s the view from my overhead remote with a 200mm lens. One word: “Meh.” 

The Overhead Blues
The remote I was most excited about turned out to pretty much be a bust, and it’s my fault. This was my first overhead shot, and it either needed to be tighter (like 300mm, as Bill Frakes suggested to me, instead of 200mm), or I would have mounted a second one with a 14mm wide angle to capture the entire crowd, sidelines and all, which I think would have rocked. So, while this is a different perspective, it’s just kinda “Meh.” Oh well, that’s how you learn, right — from your mistakes — next time I’ll try both.

Above: During pre-game warm-up I saw a player had put these two down, almost like he placed them there just for me. I asked the position coach he was warming up with if he minded if I got a shot of it, and he was totally cool with it, so I placed my camera, with a 14-24mm lens on it on the ground and fired to get this shot. 

Above: It all made it up/back in one piece. Well, four pieces but you know what I mean.

I’m going to do a separate post just about setting up remotes, and working with the new PocketWizard Plus IIIs (which are awesome!) hopefully next week, but since this is about my longest post ever, I think I better wrap things up. My humble thanks to Mike, Jimmy, Matt and Lynn for having me shoot for you guys this post season. I know it didn’t end the way any of us on the photo crew had hoped, but man —- what a season!!! GO FALCONS!!! #riseup

  1. Scott – will you share your ACR .NEF processing workflow and settings? I am particularly interested in the sharpening, noise reduction, and other “pop” settings. I too am a Nikon shooter with two D3’s.

    Did you apply any post-processing sharpening, if yes, what type of sharpening and what were the settings?

  2. Thanks for sharing all your set-ups and learning experiences. Of course I’d love to get my hands on an fplate as well, so if I don’t win one, I’ve saved the page so I can go get one on my own.

  3. What an awesome array of remotes, thanks for sharing. I’ve done a fair share of placing remotes in the past and man, I know that’s a whole lot of work in pre-planning. Those fPlates would have been a far better solution than the Rube Goldberg contraptions I came up with. Would love to rig it up right next time with an fPlate!

  4. Really interesting artice Scott.
    I especially like how you demonstrated same situation shot from all four cameras at the same time. That fplate thingy looks kind of interesting.

    As for the overhead shot. You said that you should have gone tighter with maybe 300mm instead of 200mm. But couldn’t you do that later in postprocessing?

  5. Great shots as usual Scott. I kind of like the overhead shots that you are not fond of. It shows me SF was exploiting the B gaps instead of the A gaps. I am sure the Ravens would love to see all your overhead shots from the game for scouting reasons.

  6. Great post! I love the Pocket Wizard Plus III’s and if you are a NAPP member you can get them from B&H for only $134 a savings of $15. It pays to be a NAPP member. Also saved myself some more $$ on my order from MPIX yesterday. For all the readers who are not members do yourself a big favor and join NAPP. It will be the best $99 you will ever spend! I have been pitching the fplate to my buddies. Looks like a great solution for a floor remote setup. Adding the fplate to my wish list.

  7. Thanks for sharing your experiences and techniques. The fplate is an awesome idea. Why didn’t I think of that? Scott, do you still use your green POD and CUBE?

  8. Thanks for sharing your experiences and techniques. The fplate is an awesome idea. Why didn’t I think of that? Scott, do you still use your green POD and CUBE?

  9. Thanks for the behind the shoot info. An fplate is something I have thought about for a floor remote for basketball or other sports. Glad to hear it worked out great for you.

  10. Really enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading your review on the Pocket Wizard Plus III’s and, seeing more of your images. I would like to add the fplate to my gear, I can see all kinds of possibilities.
    You’re a very generous guy!

  11. To Fplate or not to fplate is the question ! Since I don’t have one I would love to receive it so I can ! One could even use it at a Rugby game in Ireland ! Keep up the great work Scot !

      1. Thanks Brad. I recommend a ball head with a 3/8″-16 thread. But, I also include an additional 1/4″-20 for those that have an extra ballhead with 1/4″-20 thread. I mean who doesn’t have a ballhead or 2 kicking around. Just a side note the battery door cut-out works great with the MultiMax’s and the Plus II’s. The redesign of the Plus III’s the battery cut-out does not allow to access the battery compartment as designed. But, still the PW Plus III’s easily attach in the same manner.

  12. Love the pictures and the stories that accompany them. The fplate is a very interesting tool that allowed you to capture a perspective that we normally don’t see from sports photos. Great job as usual.

      1. At many sporting events where there are several photogs using Wizards there is often a sign-up sheet. So, everybody knows which channels are open. Pocketwizard also let’s you send in the MultiMax’s to purchase a custom channel. Many of the SI and Getty photogs have a custom channel.

  13. You’re definitely inspring. I love reading your stuff and that of all you staff. I’ve been looking at those fplates wondering hope they perform Thanks for the “demo”. I’m thinking an HDR composite utilizing these little gems might make for an interesting Kelby fplate video.

  14. All of these shots captured the essence of a very good game between two good football teams. As a 49ers fan I loved the outcome, but would have been happy to see the Falcons advance if they had stopped the Niners.

  15. I could use the fplate to replace a small tabletop tripod I use for remotes. I am grateful in advance for being selected. :) Have a good weekend everyone.

  16. The only thing about the fplate product name is, it might give the wrong impression that you are dropping the F Bomb when you say “My damn fplate just got knocked over”,
    Thankfully, the design of the fplate does not that allow that to happen…..

  17. This morning at breakfast, I broke my fplate. The when I went out to get in my car, I noticed my license fplate had been stolen. As I arrived at the office, there were shards of glass everywhere. That’s right, some one threw a rock through the fplate glass window. And to top it off, the steel fplate in my head is aching today because it is so cold here. What the fplate is going on? :-)

    Floof and run

  18. Dynamic Shots Scott! The fplate certainly did it’s job as evident with these fantastic images. Thanks for all the behind the scene images. High school soccer is right around the corner and I am now inspired more then ever to get some remote shots.

  19. after reading a previous blog post about how much you loved The Pod, I bought myself a green one. Now I think you’re making me want the fplate instead.

  20. Scott, Great images and even better write up as always! Your use of the fplate is a nice touch and I expect nothing but the best from you in the future. You ROCK!

  21. Wow! This is one of your most informative posts yet, Scott! It must have taken a few days to put this together. I really love your football posts and I’m a bit sad that this will be one of the last (well, at least until August! :-) ). The fplate sound intriguing, and I can think of a dozen ways that it could be used. Can’t wait to see the Pocket Wizard post next week. Those things rock. Thanks for sharing!

  22. great shots! i was at imaging expo, and was continually checking the scores.. i left before the fourth quarter because i was expecting traffic to get crazy.. lol! fplate.. ^.^

  23. Scott,

    Looks like you had a great time. While I was watching the game on TV I was wishing I was there shooting it. I have to agree, the over head shot looks like a bust, but at least you tried it! I have to agee, the shot using the fplate remote of the lineman with his name in that background is a keeper! We should be seeing that in SI!

    Jon – Go Colts in 2013!

    PS. Still loving the Mathis shot hanging on my wall…;)

  24. fplate

    Great shots, love the behind-the-scenes stuff, very informative. I always utter an fplate-ive when a shot doesn’t go as planned (like your overhead shot), but as you say, it’s a learning experience.


  25. I can totally think of a ton of great uses for the fplate. Could be really helpful to place a remote camera just about anywhere. Hey, don’t have a tripod handy- grab the fplate. Could work in a pinch if needed. Great shots by the way! Go 9ers!

  26. Thanks for the depth of this post Scott. I have always appreciated your style of teaching at every moment both in person, in your books and on your various media outlets. I am glad you had such a great day shooting. I do need to order an fPlate, that is if you don’t send me one first.

  27. Thanks for this Scott. We always see the shots from NFL games, but rarely images and description about how they were made. Would love to get that fplate to use when I’m doing my “small-time” high school football games :-)

  28. Awesome photo’s Scott, where do you find time to do all the things you do. I am amazed. I like that “fplate” that you showed in the photo that would come in very handy at sporting events.

  29. OK, now I’m really impressed on your progression into a darn good football photographer. Thank you for throwing in pics of headless referees and the one who is out of focus. Still miss the state trooper though. Can we get some detail on the setup time and the process of planning the non-field shots. How about showing one good cheerleader shot since they’re on the list.

  30. That fplate piece is pretty awesome! I love how you used the pocketwizards to fire the cameras. I really genuinely had NEVER thought of that. I guess that’s why you’re Scott Kelby, lord of the rig! :) I dig the overhead shots of the players. That is really an awesome perspective, and really is powerful when you look at everything.

  31. What a blast that must have been. Sorry your guys didn’t make it to the Super Bowl. Next year, yeah?

    Just trying to spot you (0-4-2) during the play-off games was both frustrating and fun for me. Again, maybe next year. 8^)

  32. Great action shots. Also, love the one with the ball & helmet. I’ve never heard of an fplate before but it looks like a useful addition for any photographer.

  33. I love the shot of LaMichael James (#23) returning a kickoff being tackled by Quizz Rodgers (#23). Bringing back the old college rivalry of Oregon (James) vs Oregon State (Rodgers).

  34. Looks like those fplates work really well. Great shots!!!! I kept watching during the game to see if I could spot you. Didn’t ever see you (do you still have the yellow tape on your monopod? I also looked for the green vest. Anyway, great shots and I enjoyed it. Thanks so much for posting!!

  35. I recently purchased an Fplate based on Scotts recommendations. I find it very useful on my new venture into remotes. On a very positive note and bragging about Dave Hahn’s support. I can reach out to him on remote questions and he is quick to respond. Its little things like that make you buy a product and brag about a product. Thanks Dave and Thanks Scott for turning me on to FPlate.

  36. Looks like you had a lot of cool options on your (f)plate that day. I’m 45, but you still can adopt me and bring me on “take your kid to work day”!

  37. Scott you definitely captured the frenzied environment of the players intros with your remotes. Those fplates did come in handy. I still use the old way of using batteries taped to the bottom of the camera but hopefully I’ll be lucky enough to win the “fplate” giveaway.. Keep up the good work and keep on shooting…

  38. fplate looks like a great tool for positioning remotes with confidence they will stay where placed. Your game action shots are really good–tight composition and really nice anticipation of game action. One question: What are you using for white balance?

  39. The Fplate looks like very good product, exactly what I need :)
    Great shots !

    By the way, I registered to the Kelby training and its worth every penny. great learning source !!!

  40. I love the shots and reading your perspective of covering football this season. You are a good teacher, your explanation of how you set up your equipment the the use of the “fplate”. You have given me some good ideas for some cycling photography that I’m planning on later this year. Thank you also for your non inspirational posters, I love them. I only wish the Falcons would have won, so I could read about how you would cover the Super Bowl.

  41. Great shots. I watched the game on TV and was a little bit disappointed that I couldn’t been there. Just because of this litte pond, called Atlantic, which divides us. ;)

    Keep on rockin

    ah… almost forgot to mention fplate :)

  42. Amazing how much work really goes into it. You pulled it off seamlessly with the help of staff, pyro guys and your handy #fplate. Congratulations on a job well done. I am truly amazed.

  43. Scott thanks to you earlier blog posts about setting up these remotes you have inspired me to try a remote of my own. After ordering the things I needed from b&h I never thought about using a fplate, i think having one of these will help out with my future tries with a remote set up.

  44. Awesome Blog… Some day I hope to shoot a Green Bay Packer game from the sidelines. The fplate also looks like an awesome addition to the camera bag. Thanks for always posting such great info and hopefully I’ll get to meet you on the sidelines some day!

  45. Love the amazing shots, as well as the how you did things. I can think of several uses for the fplate and would love to try one out. Thanks again for sharing the experiences, even the “meh” its nice to see you also have “trial and error” shots (as do the rest of us)!

  46. Love the amazing shots you got from ground level with the fplate. Something you are limited with most tripods. Love that it hardly takes up any ground space also..

  47. f plate…..saves the game! I like what I am seeing Scott, I wonder if this is a setup you would consider using at a regular non championship game? give or take a camera. I have not seen any shots of ref’s yet. keep on truckin!

  48. Nice shots as usual. I would love to see a wide angle overhead I think that would be very different. I’m waiting to hear how the PW3 performance was at longer distances (I have a new set and have not used them yet) as compared to the multi max. The fplate looks nice (feel free to send one my way ; ).

  49. What a great idea for an mounting accessory. The fplate could be used in many situations. Just wondering about the bottom of the fplate though. After attaching your ballhead to the fplate, does the fplate still sit flush to the floor?

  50. Thanks very much for all the insight! Could you elaborate here or elsewhere what FOCUS settings you use? 3D Tracking or manual chasing with the red dot? Your pictures are always laser sharp exactly where they need to be.

  51. fplate Scott, I reposted this today and loved the shots of the players. I was at the G+ photographers event in SF and went to your session on sports shooting. It has really upped my game for my own photography. thanks.

  52. Enjoyed the blog and set up info so much I ordered a couple of Pocketwizard Camera remote cords so I can play. NOw you just need to send me that Fplate so I have something to set it all up on :)

  53. I’m loving it. I experimented remote shot during my son’s soccer game, and I liked it a lot, I need to do more of these next season. fplate looks pretty dam cool, I would love to use one to replace my gorilla grip stuff which did not provide the best results. Scott, you’re doing a fantastic job here, I love your shots and the way you share all of this with us.

  54. It’s a joy to see how your sports photography has improved over the years. Your hard work, love of photography and passion for God shows up in your use of the fplate and the rest of your photos. Keep inspiring us – beyond Adobe.

  55. That fplate is the cat’s pajamas Scott! Would love a chance to try one of those fplates out. I love your detail in the explanations… I’ll be ready if I ever get an opp and will be trying some H.S. football in the fall. Thanks!

  56. Great info Scott on the fplate and how you used them. Also the simultaneous shots from all different angles with the Pocketwizard plus IIIs was my favorite part of this post. Great job and very educational. As an aspiring sports photographer, I appreciate you sharing your experience.

  57. I have my PocketWizards and I have the correct N90M-ACC-ND cable to connect the PW to my Nikon. Now I would really like to win an fplate to complete the set to get some great low angle shots! It’s a great post, Scott!

  58. Love the behind the scenes stuff Scott. Good of you to share the info. The fplate looks really cool. I did see a DIY fplate made using a old frying pan but the real thing looks much slicker.

  59. The fplate could be real useful to photograph the ground feeding birds at my feeders. The pyro images done with remotes are awesome. Your Falcons images have been inspiring all season.

  60. Thanks for the behind the scenes look at what it is like to be sideline at a game of that magnitude. I like the fplate and can think of lots of uses. I have been looking at the Pocket Wizards and was considering getting a Plus III, you just tipped the scale all the way. Great shots too. Only disappointment was the Falcon loss.

  61. Thank you Scott for the great post, I think it is one of your best. I cannot believe how much equipment you take with you. Speaking of equipment, I have added the flpate to my wish list (their double floor plate also looks like a great accessory).

  62. Hey Scott .. Have heard a lot abt u thru a mutual friend who always directs me to ur blog. Love ur enthusiasm and detailed information on what I guys do out there! I know the fplate is valued as it was explained recently it’s handiness with re mote set up. Thanks again for sharing.

  63. From the looks of the photos it was worth taking all of that gear. It also was nice to have some help with remotes and such. The f-plate is really cool and would love to have one to do different angles from the ground. The photos are amazing!

  64. I have the most fun watching football now or er not watching football but watching and hoping to see you, Scott, on the sidelines. I’m rooting for a camera guy and then getting upset cause HIS team didn’t win? Yup. I was so looking forward to you shooting the Super Bowl.

    I must be crazy as an fPlate.

  65. hi scott,

    thanks for your great tutorial on long exposure photos during the day. i;d like to use a neutral density filter so i can take these types of photos with my nikon v1. pretty sure they don’t make one yet. any ideas on a work around?

  66. The Fplate sounds like it would be pretty handy for getting down low. Do you know how much it weighs? It might even be a good alternative to a tripod for a backpacking trip.

    Here’s a flashback from The Grid- WHY do you like the PWIII’s better than the PWII’s?

      1. That’s better than a small tripod but maybe not as versatile. In backpacker land thats the equivalent of: 1/2 litre of water (almost), 4.5 energy bars, or 2 dehydrated meals :) I suspect packaging adds to the shipping weight. Not bad. It would pack flatter than a small tripod too

  67. Totally envious of you Scott. I can only imagine how exciting it is to be at field level for such a meaningful game. Thanks for the detail in your post. I have been looking at getting an fplate or two and I will be placing my order soon.

  68. Hi Scott, I really enjoyed how you broke it down in this post. It looks like you had a really great team to work with…AND..your pyro shot of Bierman-WOW! If you are shooting in front “live in action”…any tips on how you are essentially triggering the remotes too? Would the fplate work in hockey? Thank You!

  69. nice work, and did I mention I am jealous :) This is a lot of planning, and fun to of done. Would love to have an opportunity to shoot some thing on this scale, “call me”

  70. Scott, since this is an old post you may not see this but I’ll ask here first. If one wanted to set up a remote camera but not have it flat on the ground what would you mount it to? In the places I am considering doing this I need the camera at least 2 feet off the ground and there isn’t anything I can clamp it to. Would you just use a tripod shortened up as much as possible or is there some contraption for this that I am not aware of?

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