Tuesday Photoshop Stuff

(1) Fascinating interview with the man who wrote Photoshop, Thomas Knoll
A really great look at Photoshop’s history, evolution and much more. Very frank, revealing, and refreshing. Great stuff  (click the video above to jump over to Vimeo to watch the interview — Vimeo wouldn’t let me embed it here, but you can watch it there).

(2) Adobe’s photographers bundle deal is now available
I know a lot of folks have been waiting for the $9.99 per month bundle deal for the latest versions of both Photoshop & Lightroom (for previous owners of Photoshop, all the way back to CS3), to become available, and now it’s here. Here’s the link for more details. I did a post with more info shortly after Adobe’s announcement during the Photoshop World keynote — here’s that link.

(3) Adobe announces 1-million Creative Cloud paid user mark (hit way ahead of schedule)
Remember when I said Adobe wasn’t going to abandon the subscription-only plan. This is yet another reason why. This report was before they released the $9.99 Photographer’s bundle, so I imagine this number is now going to skyrocket. I’ve been talking to more and more photographers out on the road who are totally on board with this new deal, citing how hair the price is (and I agree). More about this below.

(4) Talking about Adobe’s $9.99 Photographer’s Bundle Deal on “The Grid”
If you missed the episode above of our weekly show for photographers, “The Grid,” in this episode we started the show with some important discussions about Adobe’s $9.99 photographers bundle. You can watch it right above.

(5) New versions of Photoshop and Lightroom released
Adobe has recently released new versions of both Photoshop and Lightroom 5 with new features and bug fixes. If you’re a Creative Cloud user, you can download the update from the Creative Cloud widget thingy. If you’re a Lightroom 5 user stand-alone user, you can download the Lightroom 5.2 free update  here (for Mac) or here (for Windows).

OK, that’s all the Photoshop news for this Tuesday, but….
I’ve got one more semi-related, yet totally not-related news: Tomorrow on “The Grid” it’s our popular “Blind Photo Critique” show, so If you’d like to have your work considered for tomorrow’s photo blind critiques (we show your images but don’t mention your name on the air), just leave us a link to 3 to 5 images that show off your work AT THIS LINK:http://kelbytv.com/thegrid/critique/

From those, we’ll pick 15 to 20 photographer’s work to go over on Wednesday’s show (not based on who posted first — we choose based on showing variety and images we think can help our viewers), and the live show is broadcast TOMORROW at 4:00 pm ET athttp://www.kelbytv.com/thegrid  — join me and Matt LIVE tomorrow — See you then. :-)

  1. But why do I have to pay 65% more in Europe? Now everything is online, there is almost no extra cost to Adobe.. and I certainly don’t have to pay 65% in taxes!

    Also the upgrade is not available to Students / Teachers.

    1. I ask myself this same question every time I go to Europe. Why does everything over there cost 2 and 3 times what the exact same thing does here in US? From hotel rooms, to food, transportation, and when we do a seminar there, we get charged three and four times as much for the theater rental, for the microphone, for the screen rentals — the same ones we use here in the states, but everything is so much more there. But that’s the way it is, I guess. Right?

      1. I guess it’s a case of getting caught up in the hype, doing your budgeting, getting excited that you can indeed afford it without feeling the pinch, then getting a slap in the face, and told the goodies are only for the others. Just gets a little frustrating for the reason that everything is more expensive. For no apparent reason. I can’t cash in on the deal anyway as I have a student teacher version of Photoshop.
        But I see Adobe is starting to think of the photographers. Maybe they will come up with a deal for the rest of us. Even if it is more expensive here in Europe.

  2. I have an issue with the naming convention for Creative Cloud LR, LR5 and its updates. The latest update to LR 5.2 deletes LR 5.1 and LR5.2 beta from the computer without asking (but into the recycle bin). If you are a registered owner of LR5.1 and you are a LR Cloud version “renter” you subsequently may be losing your original owned version. Checking my LR 5.2 registration number I found that the number is not the LR 5.1 reg number. Assuming that the first 4 digits are the product code, the LR 5.2 reg number is for LR but is completely new otherwise. So in short do not lose the latest LR5 download/reg number that you own. Convention: If PS6 went into the cloud as PS CC, shouldn’t LR5 go into the cloud as LR CC? If you are running the 5.2 app (I am old, and still refer to it as a program) how do you know if it started life as a “owned” or “rental”? I do not want to think about having a rental if/when I decloud.

    The upgrade to 5.2 worked perfectly in regards to plug-in and add-ons.

  3. I know I might have mentioned this already, but with this new cloud subscription, all of us students who purchased creative suites for hundreds of dollars because it contained a number of programs which we needed including photoshop are not eligible. Now we have to pay a premium because we are now out of school, when we have been supporting adobe all through years in school and now out in the marketplace trying to make a living…THIS SUCKS and maybe with your influence Scott, you could press adobe on this because alot of students and teachers across the world, who are photographers will only add to the bottom line and that’s what this is all about…Your help in anyway would be greatly appreciated…

    1. I just discovered this, too. What bothers me isn’t missing out on the $9.99 deal (well, it bothers me a little), but that there is NO photography program available for those of us in this situation. We either have to continue buying LR and renting PS at $19.99/month or pay $49.99/month for the entire CC. Clearly it makes better financial sense for me to buy LR and rent PS, but it really irks me that I can’t get them both for one price AND get the more frequent updates to LR that I will lose out on by buying.

      While Adobe certainly has the right to set the rules on eligibility, I do find it a bit penny-wise and pound foolish. If I keep my $9.99/month subscription for many years to come, doesn’t that make the fact that I paid less for my original copy of Photoshop all those years ago rather pointless in the grand scheme of things?

      1. hopefully if we get enough people to express their opinions like us, somehow Scott will hear our argument and convince or bring this to Adobe hierarchy’s attention….

  4. The $9.99 Photographer Bundle is NOT available for people who own CS suites (I am on CS5). You have to have the standalone version of Photoshop. That just doesn’t make any sense…

  5. Hi Scott I’m sorry to take you back with something that is not relevant to today’s topic, my question to you is that I’m trying excess the bonus video for the cs5 but the problem with it now is that I have a problem playing it, so I wanted to know if there is any other way that I could excess it because there is some content that I need there. Mpho mtshabalala@ymail.com

  6. Guys, don’t come here complaining about anything that Adobe have done, Scott & the guys here have no say in what Adobe choose to do or offer!
    Adobe does what’s best for Adobe, of course you always have the choice “take it or leave it!”

    1. Hey Otto, look at the tea leaves…Scott Kelby over the years has had adobe’s ear and the changes that have been made were definitely influenced by Kelby’s large voice.. Your not in the same boat as us.. We have spent a lot of $$ purchasing adobe products and if the bottom line is the almighty $..Adobe would do itself proud and increase it’s bottom line with including those who bought adobe products for their education use, both students and teachers.

  7. I understand that Scott isn’t associated with Adobe but he certainly has their ear from time to time. I’m adding my two cents here because it is a place where other Photoshop/Lightroom users gather to get information. I, too, was very excited about the $9.99 deal from Adobe but found out quickly that because I bought a copy of CS3 years ago with an educational discount, I am ineligible to participate in Adobe’s new offer. The fact that I have paid the full price to upgrade to CS5 didn’t seem to make a difference. I don’t understand the reasoning but I won’t be upgrading any further than CS5.

  8. Well I was ready to subscribe to the photographer’s CC “deal” but was immediately smacked down because I have a CS6 suite and not PS standalone. That’s dumb on Adobe’s part, guess I won’t be subscribing and will stick with CS6. Sorry Adobe, you almost got me to subscribe!

  9. Scott,

    I thought it was fantastic that Adobe gave away the Cloud to Photoshop World attendees. As I was already a CC member before I attended the conference, I was glad that Adobe would extend my paid subscription with the free one, as evidenced at the following links:


    What if I’m already Creative Cloud subscriber?

    Adobe will extend your subscription for 12 months.

    and http://scottkelby.wpengine.com/2013/get-photoshop-cc-and-12-months-of-the-full- adobe-creative-cloud-free-when-you-register-for-photoshop-world/

    where it also states: (2) You come away with 12-months of the full Adobe Creative Cloud with all the latest creative tools (and yes, if you’re already a CC subscriber, they’ll EXTEND your subscription by 12-months).

    However, guess what Adobe is doing? They are running both memberships (free AND paid) concurrently, NOT consecutively, and all they’ll do is merely cancel the paid one and not charge a cancellation fee.

    This is not how the year free of CC was represented by both Scott Kelby Media Group AND Photoshop World.

    Is there anything you can do to help out PS World attendees who already had a subscription before we went to the conference? I just really don’t want to lose my discounted first year of the cloud for having CS6. I’m already getting gypped on the $9.99 PS+LR offer because I own the CS6 suite, not the standalone PS.

    Please help! Thanks for a great PSW. It was awesome :-)

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