#3: Of 10 Things You Didn’t Realize (or forgot) were in Photoshop
OK, we’re back with another — this time it’s three little features/options/shortcuts/whatever for the Move tool and they are actually pretty darn handy (One I use multiple times every single day — don’t know what I’d do with out it). Check ’em out below (it’s a really quick video):
Hope you found that helpful.
Tomorrow, my guest blogger is none other than Amsterdam-based Fashion Photographer, Book Author, and Educator, Frank Doorhof
I love Frank, and have learned a lot from him — make sure you check out this post tomorrow (PLUS: if you live in Santa Cruz, he’s doing a one-day workshop there that will blow your mind. What an opportunity! Here’s the details).
Have a great Tuesday everybody, and we’ll see you here tomorrow for Frank’s Guest Post. :)