Announcing My New Book of Nothing But Chapter Intros

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OK, it’s here — I finally put together a book that readers have been asking me to do for years — one where I compile some of my favorite chapter intros from all my books into just one book of nothing but chapter intros.

These quirky chapter introductions have become a tradition in all my books and they’re there to give my readers a “mental” break from all the step-by-step tutorials and such. These offbeat intros have very little (OK, pretty much nothing) to do with what’s actually in the chapter itself — again, they are just totally there for fun and I hear from readers all the time who really dig them (and I hope you will, too because if not they’ll just really p@$& you off).

Fresh, hand-picked goodness on every page
Anyway, I hand-picked the intros (it really is nothing but intros — there is no other content whatsoever), and they’re all in this brand new book just being released today. Best of all, 100% of the profits from the book go directly to the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya to help feed, educate clothe and care for some very wonderful children who really need our help.

Here’s a link to the eBook on for the Kindle.  (it’s only $9.99). Also coming any day now to the Apple iBooks Sore (it’s there awaiting approval now).

Hope you enjoy the book! You’ll really learn a lot (wink).

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