Announcing “Pimpy Thursdays!” (AKA: “How I’m Sneaking In Another Day Off”)


I get asked this just about daily, but yes—-I personally write all the posts that appear on my blog (with the exception, of course, of Guest Blog Wednesday, and any time I have Brad or one of the gang cover for me if I’m on vacation, and in those cases, they always start by saying “Brad here…” or something like that, so you’ll know it’s not me).

It usually takes me between 30 minutes to an hour and a half each night to write this blog, and I have been really struggling with keeping up with doing all this blogging, and getting all my other work done (and still having a family life). Basically, I really, really need another day off.

Here’s The Plan
I do a lot of workshops, and seminars, and I write books, and I do classes for Kelby Training, and so on, and of course it’s important to me that you guys know what I’m doing and where I’m teaching, so I post all that stuff here on my blog. Unfortunately on some days, I’m stuck for a topic, or tight on time, and that’s all I have to post that day (the “I’m teaching in such-and-such city next week type of stuff”), and since I do a lot of training stuff, and so do my buddies here at Kelby Media Group (Matt, Dave, Corey, and RC), I wind up posting that type of stuff a lot more than I’d like.

So, since I need an extra day off, but I still need to let people know where I’m teaching, and which books I’m writing, and so on, I thought I might combine both all into something I call….

“Pimpy Thursdays”

I’ll be off on Thursdays from now on, but the Thursday blog post goes on as Brad Moore (my photo assistant and digital tech), is going to cover all that stuff about books, my seminars, online classes and what my crew is doing all on that one day each week, so those days I can focus more on Photoshop and photography stuff.

That way, I get a day off, and the marketing stuff on my blog will pretty much be consolidated to just Thursdays. It’s important to me that you to know where I’m teaching and what I’m doing, so I hope you’ll still stop by on Thursdays to see what’s up (plus if you don’t, Brad will get lonely).

Now, I’ll still share things like I did last Thursday, when I wrapped up a shoot with Jeremy Cowart (there’s no way I could have waited to share that story), and occasionally because of timing issues, I’ll have to break my “no pimping” rule, but if I can take Thursdays off, and still get the word out what I’m doing, I think we’ll both be happier (that’s you and me—not me and Brad).

So, thanks for understanding, and giving me an extra day to breathe. Ya know, with all that extra time, I could probably write another book, or add another city to my seminar tour, or do another online class. Or…… (just kidding). ;-)


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