Backstage Pass, Hartford Here I come, and “The Lightroom Show” Update

The “Photoshop Guys” reimagined as Super Heroes?
Each month we release a podcast just for KelbyOne members called “Backstage Pass” and in this month’s episode, our producer and host Mia McCormick thought it would be fun to leverage Corey Barker’s love of movies and totally mad-Photoshop skills by doing a SuperHero theme (ya know, with the Avengers movie premiere and all), and well â” you can see some of the results above. If you’re a KelbyOne member, make sure you catch the whole behind-the-scene video (and lots of member news stuff) at this link. 

Photographers in Hartford, Connecticut – Here I come!

My all-new tour is on it’s way to Hartford next month on Friday, June 5th (it’s my last US-stop before heading to London for my July 14th seminar). Hope you can make it (it’s just $99 for the full day, including a detailed workbook). I’d love to meet you there in person. Here’s the link with details.

Episode #13 of “The Lightroom Show” (and now we go on a 1-month hiatus).
Our first season of “The Lightroom Show” (our weekly show all about Lightroom, hosted by RC and me), is in the can, and the latest episode is now online (here’s the link to watch it, and any episodes you missed).

After 13-weeks each of our shows takes a one-month hiatus, but we’ll be back with Season Two before you know it (as long as “before you know it is about a month). Thanks for all your support on this new show, and we’ve got a bunch more cool stuff to share with you when we kick off Season Two.

In the meantime, you can find RC, Pete, Me and some special guests sharing our favorite Lightroom tips each weekday at

OK, gang. I’m off to Spain this week with my brother Jeff, and I’ll be sharing my adventures via the free Periscope live streaming App starting Tuesday, so I hope you’ll follow me there (I’m @scottkelby on Periscope).

Have a super Tuesday everybody!



P.S. Regarding Friday’s post (I’m dumping my Apple Watch) – One of my readers mentioned that I might be within Apple’s return window and and son-of-a-gun I was in time, and returned it for a full refund (and I was also able to cancel my black wristband that hadn’t shipped yet). It was a pretty interesting two weeks â” not surprised at how many people were downright angry that I bought an Apple Watch in the first place, but pretty stunned at how many people were seriously cranked that I returned it, like it somehow invalidated their purchase. I had to permanently ban a few folks, which I very rarely ever have to even delete a nasty comment. I have no idea why people get so offended over somebody else buying or returning a watch, but man â” some people are really on the edge over stuff like this. Hey, it’s just a watch for goodness sake.




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