Can You Help Me Unravel My Birthday Mystery?

Q. Who sent me this absolutely beautiful wicker picnic basket for my birthday?
A. I have no idea.

This is my Birthday Mystery
When I got home from my Hawaii vacation a large box was sitting at the front door. I brought it in, and inside the box was this fantastic picnic basket (photo by Kalebra on her trusty iPhone). I searched everywhere for a “This is from….” card. I looked inside the box and out, inside the picnic basket itself, and everywhere I could think to look but I could not find who sent it.

So, the really nice person who sent this to me for my birthday is probably thinking I’m an ungrateful rat since I’ve never thanked them for it. I’ve called a few folks who I thought might have sent it to me, but you have to be careful with that because you don’t want to ask someone directly and force them to say, “Ummm, no, I didn’t get you anything for your birthday,” so the whole thing is kinda awkward, as is the post, but I’m desperate to find out whom to thank and I can’t let this drag on any longer.

My guess is that the person who sent this expensive gift must know me pretty well, and in that case they probably read this blog, and if you are indeed that person, then you know my cell phone number, and if you would call it so I can thank you personally for such a very cool gift that I can’t wait to use to surprise my wifey with a picnic (of course, at this point it will only be when and where, because I think she knows a romantic picnic cannot be far behind).

So, that’s my story
If you sent it, please please call me. If you know who sent it, call them and have them call me. If you didn’t send it….why not! (totally kidding. Just a joke). Thanks for helping me track down “The Mystery of the Unmarked Birthday Picnic Basket.”

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