Catch my Interview on This Week’s PhotoFocus Podcast

I know this is more of a “Pimpy Thursday” thing, but if I wait until Thursday, it probably won’t be “this week’s show” any more.

I was lucky enough to be the guest on this week’s PhotoFocus radio podcast, which is a weekly photography Q&A Podcast hosted by social media maverick and pro photographer Scott Bourne.

If you’ve got a few minutes, you can listen to my attempts at answering some of the questions from his listeners, which include my answers like: “I dunno.” “Huh? Beats me.” and “You better handle that one Mr. Bourne.” Perhaps, not my finest moments, but I did manage to answer a few poignant questions, like “How old are you?” “How many fingers am I holding up? “What’s the capital of Nebraska?” and stuff like that.

Seriously though, we had a great time and covered lots of ground (Scott is a terrific host. Him, not me). If you’ve got a minute (OK, a few minutes. Like when you’re on the treadmill, or taking the train into Manhattan), you can check it out right here.

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