My Converting to B&W in Photoshop CS3 Video: Now on Lexar's Pro Digital Photography Site
I’ve talked about Lexar’s excellent Pro-Digital Photography Site on the blog here before, and I honored that the folks over at Lexar have included me on their site, and are featuring a brand new free video clip I did on my favorite method of converting to B&W using Camera Raw. (Click here to jump there—the video appears under my bio, but right above some samples from my portfolio).
This video tuturial is for both Raw and JPEG shooters, as I start by showing how to open JPEG images in CS3’s Camera Raw, and then I show two methods for making the conversion.
Also, while you’re there, jump back one level (to the main Pro Photography Corner section [click here for that area–where you can also just click on Scott Kelby in this list of Pro Photographer Profiles on the left side]) and check out some of the amazing photography, and very cool tips and techniques, from the talented group of photographer’s they’ve assembled, including people like Greg Gorman, Art Wolfe, Dave Black, David Honl, Gary Bernstein, among others along with Photoshop World instructors like Rick Sammon, Moose Peterson, Vincent Versace, Kevin Ames, and Joe McNally. There are loads of tutorials, articles, and some very inspiring art in their pro photographer’s gallery.
Thanks to Lexar for inviting me to be a part of their wonderful site, and for making such kick-butt digital film that earlier this year, before ever talking with anyone at Lexar, I made the switch over to Lexar for all my digital film (I use their 8GB Lexar Professional 133x Speed CompactFlash cards–B&H has them for less than $150) , and I love ’em. Highly recommended.
Lots more news today, so keep scrolling on down (Scroll baby, scroll!)