Cyber Monday Deals from Kelby Training
It’s our biggest sale day of the year at Kelby Training, and I looked at some of the deals offered TODAY ONLY, and even I was like, “What???!!!!!” (like the buy one Photoshop World pass and bring a buddy for free. Somebody should get fired over that one). Anyway, I didn’t come up with the deals, but I’m passing ’em on.
Click the graphic above, or this link right here, and you will get some insane deals on everything, like:
>> Kelby Training Online Subscriptions ($50 Off a one-year full unlimited access online subscription).
>> NAPP membership (join and get six extra months free, including a subscription to Photoshop User magazine)
>> 30% off our Books, DVDs, and Bundle Deals (Deals so low….they’re insane!!!!!!! [said in a Crazy Eddie voice].
>> Photoshop World Washington DC (buy one full conference pass, bring a buddy for free]. Plus there’s some other psychotic deal where you get a book, and a t-shirt, and some other stuff.
But all of these deals are for today, Cyber Monday (as it’s known) ONLY, so get ’em while they’re not (cause tomorrow they’re not). Here’s the link again (Head their now. You’ll probably pass out cold once you get there. I’m serious. Hey, it could happen. I mean, it’s a possibility. OK, it’s probably not a huge possibility, but things happen. Did you see what happened at WalMart Friday? See, it’s like that, but there’s nobody trying to grab products out of your hand. Now get their quick before the doors open. I’m not really sure what that means).