Finally “Getting” Pinterest

Two weeks ago, on the “The Grid” we talked about Social Media for photographers, and we talked about Twitter, and Google+, and the new kid on the block (which is now reportedly the third largest social media site), Pinterest.

I asked my wife Kalebra to join us on the show, (she’s hooked on Google+ and has a really dedicated, fun, fully engaged group over there — link), and she loves Pinterest as well, so we talked quite a bit about both (I mostly griped about Twitter and their 140 character limit. Don’t get me started).

Anyway, last night she did a cute post about Pinterest over on Google+, and one of the people who follow her there wrote this comment:

“I’m reluctant to sign up for yet another social venue given my trouble keeping up with the four accounts I now have (fb, twit, linked,g+) but have been hearing enough about Pinterest that I’m intrigued. Can you clue me in to how Pinterest fits into the general mix? please and thank you!”

OK, now I get it
My wife wrote back a comment to him that I thought was the best description of what Pinterest is all about I had ever heard. I asked her if I could share it here with you today, because I think it will help a lot of folks understand what Pinterest is all about. She wrote…

I’d be happy to —- just remember it’s only how I see it. ;)

Have you ever torn a travel picture or recipe out of a magazine and stuck it in a folder? How about a photo for inspiration for your next shoot? Well because we view so many of these things on the web now Pinterest is a way to do the same thing we did with magazines but online.

For instance, I love to travel! So, I have a folder (Pinterest calls them “boards”) I named “Places” (link) and it’s full of photos of places I’ve been, and places I want to go. I am also a pilot so I have a board named “Of Flight and Fancy (link) and I LOVE chocolate so I have a board for that too (link).

You could have boards like these for any of your own interests – it’s lots of fun to manage (and have instant access to) all of the things that interest and inspire you.

Another thing I’ve heard people say they like about it is that interaction is not really required–you can–but it’s not expected. I hope this helps. Happy Pinning! :)

Thanks Sweetie (er, I mean…Kalebra) for letting me share that with my readers. I haven’t done a lot on Pinterest yet, but every time I see Kalebra’s boards I sure want to. Maybe when I get back from London.

Here’s wishing you all a really fun weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday. Oh, in the meantime, here’s a taste of Kalebra’s Chocolate board. ;-)


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