First Recipient of the “Bruce Fraser Photoshop World Memorial Scholarship” Announced


I’m honored to announce that educator Rhona Shand, Undergraduate Coordinator and Associate Professor of Art at Pittsburg State University, is the first recipient of the “Bruce Fraser Photoshop World Memorial Scholarship,” which was created to honor the memory of beloved Photoshop author and instructor Bruce Fraser, who passed away late last year.

Rhona was chosen by Adobe’s own Photoshop team to receive the scholarship, which includes her airfare, hotel, and full Photoshop World conference pass (courtesy of NAPP: the National Association of Photoshop Professionals) as a way of honoring Bruce’s lifetime legacy of learning.

My personal congratulations to Rhona, who’ll be attending the Las Vegas Photoshop World Conference next week, for being chosen as the first recipient of the Bruce Fraser scholarship—one dedicated to a man who has meant so much to so many throughout this industry.

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