Free Lightroom CC Update From Adobe Includes Pretty Incredible New Pano Feature
Hi Gang: It’s 1:28 am at night here in Atlanta – I’ve got a class to teach all day tomorrow, so I’ll make this short and sweet.
Adobe released a free update to Lightroom CC (bringing it to version 2015.4) and it includes a new feature to help you deal with those white gaps left in the corner of panos that you’d normally have to jump over to Photoshop for and manually fix it one way or another. It’s called Boundary Warp and you can see it in action below:
Pretty amazing right?
Other stuff (Lightroom 6 users get this stuff, too, but not Boundary Warp above – that’s just for CC subscribers):
They fixed the issue Nikon users have been having (not being able to tether into Mac OS El Capitan)
Plus, this stuff listed on Adobe’s official Lightroom Blog:
- Nikon 1 J4 Camera Matching Profile added
- The panorama merging process should complete roughly twice as fast as Lightroom 6.3
- Improved quality when applying Auto Straighten and Upright “Level” mode
- A preference was added to the Mac to prevent accidental “speed swiping”
- Metadata is added to merged panoramas to support Photoshop’s Adaptive Wide Angle filter
- Customers can now set the location of where photos are stored when downloaded from Lightroom mobile or Lightroom web in the preference panel or contextually in the folder panel
- Thumbnails update much quicker when copying and pasting settings in the grid view
- Images load faster in the Library module when you are zoomed in and navigating images
- Tethered support added for the Nikon D5500 and Nikon D7200
Here’s the link for the full list of new features, cameras, lens and fixes.
That’s it – gotta hit the sack-a-roonie.