Friday News Wrap-up
It’s the end of the week, nearing the end of my vacation, and here’s what’s going on:
- Want to see a very cool glimpse of the future? Check out this article on David duChemin’s “Pixelated Image” blog about a new technology called “Zink” (Zero Ink), which will put hand-held mobile color printers into our hands that don’t use ribbons or inks (and developers will be able to add this technology to their products). Start at David’s site to learn more about this very promising technology.
- If you haven’t caught the past few episodes of Photoshop User TV, we’ve got a very special new segment from our buddy (and Photoshop World instructor) Deke McClelland. He’s been doing some stuff with channels that I don’t think you’ll find anywhere else, so if you get a sec–check out these last couple of episodes (and there’s more Deke to come in the coming weeks). Also, Deke’s got the fastest filling precon at Photoshop World this September, and no big surprise; it’s on Channels & Masking, plus he’s got a new online Channels and Masking course over a Clearly, Deke has become “Mr. Channels & Masking” (or as RC calls him, “Sen³r Channel y Masking”), or as Matt calls him, “Mr. McClelland.”
- There’s a review of the 1.1. free update to my Lightroom Book (the Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers” over at Blog Critic’s Magazine (click here to read that review).
- I added some new photos to the rotating group of photos that appear at the top of this blog (a different one loads each time you visit), but when you see a new photo; don’t forget to click the down arrow in the bottom right corner of the photo to expand it downward to see the full image (a pretty cool featured designed by my Web guru Fred!).
- If you’re a landscape photographer, you’re going to love this: it’s an online Google-powered feature (over a that calculates the sunrise and sunset times for any city, any where, so you’ll know exactly when you need to be in place, ready to shoot for that magical landscape light. Check it out right here.
- My Glacier National Park Digital Workflow workshop (coming up Sept 19-23rd in Montanta) in conjunction with the Great American Photographic Workshops (The GAPW) is already sold out, but you can still do some shootin’ and learn Photoshop and Lightroom with me (or Matt or Dave Cross) this year. I’m going to be in Cape Cod with the Digitial Landscape Workshop Series (DLWS) this October, and Matt is going to be shooting the Slot Canyons and teaching Photoshop and Lightroom with the fine folks at GAPW on October 10-14; then Dave Cross will be teaching his GAPW workshop out here in Maine at the beautiful Acadia National Park on Oct 17-21st. I hope we’ll see you, and be shooting beside you, at one of these great workshops.
OK, that’s it for today. Have a great weekend everybody. I dig you! You’re it—you’re the one. You’re the one and only you! (quick, somebody stop him!). You’re the big #1. You’re the king of beers! Etc.