Friday “Photoshop Insider” News Nuggets
Here’s a few things to take us into the weekend:
- Photoshop Hall of Famer John Paul Caponigro has just announced three new Photoshop training DVDs, seen above (produced by Acme Education). The titles are: (1) Black & White Mastery (2) Photoshop Color Strategies, and (3) Photoshop Color Tools. All three are available for pre-order, and you can reserve yours now by clicking here.
- I ran across a photography blog this week that looks pretty cool. It’s called “ProPhotoNut” and the author shares a number of interesting techniques, and posts some great images. If you’ve got a few minutes, check it out right here.
- Here’s another cool Holiday Deal (but it expires on December 15th, so you have to get on it pretty quick). If you buy a Ray Flash from ExpoImaging (the Ray Flash is a ring-flash attachment that turns your off-camera flash, like a Nikon SB-800 or Canon 580 EXII), into a ring flash (you can see it on this week’s Photoshop User TV “Gear Guide Live” episode). Anyway, if you buy one direct, you get our DVD, “The Best of Photoshop User Magazine, The 10th Year” free as a bonus. Sa-weet! Here’s the link for more info.
- Let’s wrap things up with a little photographic inspiration. The work of Livingston, Montana photographer Tony Demin isn’t the type of stuff you usually see me highlight here, but I dunno—I just really like his images. They have a freshness and realness about them that I really enjoyed. See what you think (here’s the link).
That’s it for this Friday folks. Take some shots this weekend. Hug the kids. Take a moment to enjoy some of the wonders this season can bring.