Group Shots From Saturday’s 6th Annual Worldwide Photo Walk

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Above: Here’s a short (17-second) iPhone video clip I did before we kicked off my local walk in Rome, Italy. I had a really wonderful, fun, really good-natured group of photographers there in Rome. They totally rocked it! 

Below is a compilation of Group Photos from around the world, sent to me by group leaders and photographers who participated in my World Wide Photo Walk this past Saturday.

I have to tell you, I get such a big smile when I see each and every one of these. I try to imagine what their walk was like, and how much fun it would have been to be at that walk I'm looking at. Everybody looks so happy in these group shots and it just really tickles me each time I see one.

You can see the individual city names (and larger images) over on my Google+ page. Here's the link:

If you have a group photo, and haven't sent it to me (or I somehow missed it), I’ll keep updating this Google+ album as they come in. I hope you'll send in yours because I already know it'll make me smile. :)

I also wanted to include a group shot from our Rome Photo Walk “lunch meeting spot” at a wonderful little restaurant in Rome called Ristorante Ciccia Bomba (chosen by the wonderful Ashley Turney who helped me plan the entire walk, served as our guide and interpreter, and was just totally cool all the way around. I couldn’t have done the walk without her).

Above: Here’s an iPhone pano from the restaurant Ciccia Bomba. Dig that waiter with the multiple heads and arms (stitching a pano with people moving can produce some, ahem, interesting results). LOL!!! Hey, who is that guy to his left. He looks super cool! ;-)

Above: This shot of my wife Kalebra and me was taken during my photo walk by photographer Miroslav Radosavljevic. It is somewhat plausible that I married ‘up.’ LOL!!! ;-)

OK, I’ve got to hit the sack (I’m back in the States now but my body thinks I’m still on Italy time). Here’s to a great weekend filled with lots of great images, and we’ll see you back here on Monday.



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