The Best Book Demo Ever (and it’s not even for my book)

My buddy, and co-host of “The Grid” Matt Kloskowski just released what I truly believe will be his best-selling book ever, because he tackled a subject that has everybody buzzing right now (Photoshop Compositing Techniques), but there’s very little solid information about there about exactly how to do it. Until now. I don’t want to steal Matt’s thunder, so watch the video above and you’ll see what I mean (the video is just so well done—-and funny—that once you see it, you’ll totally get it).

A tip of the hat to Erik Kuna and his team for coming up with such a cool book demo (I want one for my new book coming out in just a few weeks!), and to Matt for writing such a kick-butt book.

It’s now in-stock at and Barnes &, and wherever books that make you go “Ohhhhh, so that’s how you do it” are sold.

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