Here’s that “Shooting Long Exposure” HDR Video Tip I Mentioned Last Week
Hi Gang, and greetings from Photoshop World Las Vegas!!!
I’m pretty swamped today, but I wanted to share this video tip with you that I mentioned last week in my report about my trip to Maine. In that post, I mentioned how I went shooting with Scott Eccleston from, and that I did a tip for shooting long exposure HDR’s.
The video (below) looks tremendously brighter than it actually was when we shot the video (as you’ll see by how long the exposures take). It was really really dark—so dark I wasn’t sure it was going to work at all, but the video camera did such a good job of exposing for the tiny amount of light that was there, that it looks a lot brighter than it was. (Thanks to Mark Hensley for the awesome video work).
Anyway, here’s the clip (below), but make sure you check out (link) because he’s always posting lots of cool tips…well….weekly!). :-)