Here's Wishing You All a New Year Filled With Peace, Joy, Health and Happiness

It's a national holiday here in the US (the banks are closed, government offices, and so on), and our offices are closed today as well, as we celebrate the beginning of a New Year.

My humble thanks to everyone who visited me here on the blog this year; to all my wonderful guest bloggers who shared their wisdom and images; to all the folks who offered my readers special deals and free-stuff on “Free Stuff Thursdays” and to everybody who said a nice word, had my back, made me smile, and made writing this blog so much fun this past year. Also, a big thanks to my assistant Brad Moore who helped so much once again this year in making sure every Wednesday and Thursday went off without a hitch. Thanks Brad (you rock!).

I read every single comment posted here during the year and your words of encouragement, support and friendship mean more than you know. What a wonderful time to be a photographer and a “Photoshop Guy.”

Here's wishing you and your family your very best year yet!!!

Warm regards,

Scott and my wonderful crew here at Kelby Media Group


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