If you heard from me — that was me.

Above: That’s me. Not the print. That’s me holding the print. You know what I mean. 

So many times I get Facebook or Twitter or G+ comments, even emails, that start off by saying, “To the person who comments for Scott” or “To whomever answers Scott’s emails” or “To the intern that responds to comments on Scott’s blog” and stuff along those lines, so I thought I’d do a quick Q&A to let you know when it’s me and when it’s not me. Here goes:

Q. If I post a comment on your Facebook page, and I see a response from you, who is it that is actually writing that response?
A. Me.  

Q. So who answers for you on Twitter and Google+, then?
A. Ummmm…that’s Me.  

Q. What about here on the blog?
A. Me. Still, me. 

Q. Is it ever anyone else?
A. Nope. If you heard from me…that was me. 

Q. So Brad doesn’t answer as you? Not ever?
A. Never. If Brad answers anybody, he says “Hey, it’s Brad here⦔

Q. How do you have the time to answer all these people directly?
A. I try and answer as many people back as I can, and some days that means I get to answer 40 or 50 people, and some days that means just two or three, and sometimes none at all (it really depends on my schedule at home and at the office, and if I’m traveling or out of the country). It also depends what they’re asking. If it’s something I can answer quickly, I try and answer, but if it’s something drawn out that takes more time I often run out of time. In fact, I seem to run out of time a lot. Lol!

Q. Do you respond to private messages on Facebook or G+ or DM’s on Twitter?
A. Honestly, I rarely check those, if ever. I’m trying to check the Facebook ones more now, but maybe just once at week at best.

 How come?
A. It’s because if I added those other three contact points to my daily inbox of literally sometimes over 200 emails, I would never get any work done; I wouldn’t be able to write books; or see my kids, see my wife, occasionally visit the restroom, sleep, drive, play guitar, ya know…stuff like that. I try to answer as many emails as possible, but I generally don’t even get through a day’s worth. My inbox is pretty scary looking. 

Q. So what’s the best way to get ahold of you?
A. Hit me up on Twitter. I check it several times a day, but again… I’m not checking DMs –  just public Tweets where you’re calling me out in the Tweet. I can’t answer them all, but I get to quite a few each day. Sometimes I get behind and catch up a day or two later.  

Q. Do you have a public email address?
A. I do, but those emails go first to my assistant Lynn. A number of those she answers back directly, BUT NOT AS ME! She answers back as Scott’s assistant Lynn (so you know it’s coming from her). A lot of times people are asking for something that Lynn can send them or help them with, or get them to the right place or what have you and she does an awesome job of all that routing. Every day Lynn also forwards me emails she thinks I would want to see so I can answer those folks back directly, and I answer those daily (well, at least within a day or two). By the way, if you’re lonely and feel like talking to Lynn first, my public email is skelby@photoshopuser.com

Q. Can I call you?
A. Sure. My office number is 813-433-5000

Q. Will I get through?
A. I doubt it. I mean, someone will answer the phone, but then eventually you’ll wind up with Lynn and she’ll tell you I’m “unavailable” which is true since I’m not there. Well, at least not now anyway, but just so ya know … it’s easier squeezing toothpaste back into the tube than it is to get past Lynn. She’s like that USA Goalie Tim Howard, but with phone calls. By the way, she never falls for that, “I’m an old high school friend of Scott’s” trick. I had no friends in high school. Just my typewriter, and a stick and a ball of yarn.Well, those and Ken Toney. 

Q. Do you actually read all your comments on social media and here on the blog?
A. I read every single one. 

Q. But I sent you an email and I never heard back?
A. That’s because as much as I’d like to, I can’t answer every email I receive, even if you have a legit question or idea or concern or just want to chat about something happening in the industry (I get quite a lot of those and again, depending on my schedule, I answer as many as I can, which isn’t as many as I get). Also, shorter emails are MUCH more likely to get read. If you start your email with, “I started photography at the age of nine⦔ there’s a good change I won’t make it into your teens.

Q. So who writes all your blog posts?
A. I write the blog on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. On Wednesday, it’s “Guest Blog Wednesday” and I turn over the blog to someone else in our industry, and I’m so thankful to Vincent Versace for coming up with the idea, because over the years some amazing posts from some incredible people have blossomed there thanks to his idea (which is why each year Vinnie returns with a Guest Blog post of his on the anniversary of “Guest Blog Wednesday”). On Thursday it’s “Free Stuff Thursday and Brad writes that post totally himself, and he finds something to give away every Thursday as well. On Thursdays we feature any workshops or projects our friends or doing, or anything we have coming up that’s fun or interesting here at K1. I’m very grateful to Brad for shepherding Wednesdays and blogging for me on Free Stuff Thursdays. He works really hard on both and he rocks it like a boss!

 OK, so you answer your social media sites and you write your blog three days-a-week, but can you please tell me who writes your books? 
A. Ugh! I’ve heard this one for years (even from other authors in our industry). but I write all my own books. Always have. My Publishers and Editors all know it, but I know nobody believes it. My wife surely knows it. It used to make me mad, but now I’m pretty much at peace with it, but if you see my name on the cover, I wrote ALL of it. Even the captions, even the forwards, all the intros — even though it kind of drives my in-house editor’s a bit nuts, because I know they’d like to help out but I’m just kind of anal about that stuff, so I feel like I have to do it myself. It’s probably some character flaw or something, and my life would sure be a lot easier if I used a ghost writer or an intern or just paid somebody to write my stuff, and while my life would be easier, I wouldn’t be happier. I joke around a lot, and I have a quirky, often sophomoric sense of humor, but I take the education part of my writing, and my life, very seriously.

Now, if you see TWO names on the book title, that means I have a co-author and we split the book in half (for example, he did 5 chapters — I did the other five) with the exception of my Elements Book which I co-author with Matt Kloskowski, where Matt now does the Lion’s share of the book (and he kicks butt at it).

Q. Do you ever delete people’s comments on FB, G+ or here on the blog?
A. Rarely, but if someone is mean to me, calls me names, or if they’re mean to someone else commenting, I do sometimes delete a comment. How often? Maybe one every six weeks. I let a LOT of stuff slide, but if someone crosses the line I have no problem with hitting the delete button. I wound up deleting two or three in a day once, but that was just a crazy day. Also, if you say really naughty words, that’ll get that button hit as well. Luckily, most folks here on the blog, or who follow me on social are pretty cool, so thankfully I don’t have to do it very often. Hey, I just realized — it’s been over two months now. Somebody’s probably due. LOL!!

Q. What topics bring out comments that might get deleted?
A. If I mention I’m buying a new iPhone — that’s #1. Now, understand, I’m not telling other folks to buy one — if I just merely mention “Hey, Apple announced a new iPhone — can’t wait to get it” you can almost count the seconds until someone gets deleted. It’s a lock. Look for that post around September, then step back a few feet so you’re not caught in the blast zone. It gets really personal, really fast. I wake up with my finger on the Delete and Block commenter button. 

Q. Are you, in fact, Ken Toney?
A. It’s possible.

Q. Really?
A. Anything’s possible.

Q. Come on?
A. OK, Ken Toney and I are actually separate people living in separate States (for legal reasons), but I love the guy like a brother. 

Q. Have you ever had to delete one of his comments?
A. Oh, all the time. He has a mouth like a sailor — his comments read like the transcript of an Andrew Dice Clay stand-up routine. 

Q. Really?
A. Anything’s possible. ;-)

Well, that’s it in a nutshell (this is me, in a nutshell). [did anybody get that reference?]. Anyway, I hope that clears the air a bit, so you know once and for all; if you hear from me — it’s me. :)

Have a fantastic Tuesday everybody. This has been an automated message. ;-)


-Scott #214a

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