Images from the Industry: Dan “Dano” Steinhardt interviewed in Double Exposure

Double Exposure is running a great interview with Dan Steinhardt (we all know him as “Dano”), who is Epson’s Marketing Manager for their pro products, but beyond the interview are his images. I’ve been a fan of Dan’s photography ever since he showed me some of his recent shots on the screen of an Epson P-4000 over dinner. He shoots a particular style that I just love (I’ve always called it Urban photography or City Life, but I’m sure there’s an official name for it), but anyway, his stuff just really speaks to me. I love his sense of color, his treatment of architecture, and how he blends people and their stories into these surroundings.

So, first I’m going to send you to his online gallery, and then to the interview, because although there’s a link to a sample of his work at the top of the interview page, but I think his own gallery gives you a much better feel for what Dano shoots.

His Web site is at Digital Railroad
and the interview is at Double

Make sure you check out both (hopefully in that order). :)

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