It's "Actual Post or Two" Wednesday

Just a quick thanks to all the wonderful folks (all 800+ of you), who came out to spend the day with me for the last stop this year of my “Photoshop CS3 Power Tour.” I had a couple of special guests in the audience yesterday, including Scott Sherman, host of “The Digital Photography Show” and Jeff Revell, from the very popular “Jeff’s Photo Blog.” And although DC photography icon Mike Meyer wasn’t there in person, his presence was felt by all.

I met lots of really great people (including a lot of people who had been out to my “Lightroom Live Tour” when it was in DC a couple of months back) and it was so cool to have so many come up and let me know that they had bought Lightroom after my seminar, and how much Lightroom had changed their life. As an instructor, that was very gratifying, and reminded me once again why I do it, and how blessed I am that I get to do it.

Thanks to you all once again for your support, for spending the day with me in DC, and for showing me such gracious hospitality in your city. Can’t wait to see all you next year! :-)

Now, it’s safe to check out the other posts here today, on this auspicious “Actual Post or Two” Wednesday.

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