Announcing “Creative Cloud Training Month” at KelbyOne

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With more than 1.5 million people subscribed to the Adobe Creative Cloud, we wanted to release a whole bunch of online training classes on everything from InDesign to Illustrator, Premiere Pro to Muse, TypeKit to Behance, Photoshop to Lightroom and everything in between.

Each weekday for the entire month of February we’ll be releasing another NEW class on one of the Adobe Creative Cloud applications over at, along some other other already cool classes we had planned for February.

We are broadcasting each class FREE  from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm ET — just that day — then it goes back in the Disney Vault, errrr I mean then it’s available just for subscribers after that one free day. The free broadcasts start on Monday, February 3rd. Here’s the link where you can find the FREE airings (again, that’s starting today at 6pm).

So, what’s coming next?
We are just getting’ started! We’ll be adding something really unique mid-March for KelbyOne subscribers and you’re gonna be super-diggin’ it, but until then, I hope you’ll check out all the new classes we’re releasing this month.

Cheers, -Scott

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