It’s Guest Blog Wed, er… THURSday featuring DuckDuck Collective!

First off, it is an honor to be featured on such a great photography blog. As long-time readers, we’ve often enjoyed reading the “Weekly Guest Blogger” feature so it’s a bit surreal to be taking part.

About a year ago, we all came together (from various freelance backgrounds) with a strong desire to share our strengths in close community with one another. The idea behind us being a “collective” is that we believe that together we can create work at a higher caliber than we could as individuals.  We all fill different roles at different times, which is something that helps us grow individually and as a functioning unit. It is a spectacular feeling to share in both the struggles and triumphs with people who you not only consider artistic peers, but friends as well.

Here’s a video that walks through a recent shoot we did with the band Shapiro.

Click here to view on the iPad/iPhone.

And here’s the before and after of the image in the video:

For more from DuckDuck Collective, check out their website, blog, podcast, and follow them on Twitter.

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