It’s Guest Blog Wednesday featuring Kalebra Kelby!


How Your Fast Paced Everyday Life Can Hide Your Passion For Photography From You
You wake up to the alarm in the morning, jump (or slide) out of bed, down your coffee, check your calendar, throw on your clothes (or shower first if you’re lucky enough) race to the bus stop, school, work, event, wherever and go throughout your day trying to catch up, only to realize that you’re late to leave the office for your child’s big game but you hustle and get there just in time to catch little Sally cross the finish line, or start her recital, or take her to tutoring or…

Sound familiar?

I’m willing to bet that some of you are saying, “Exactly! I don’t have the energy to be passionate about photography. The only thing I’m passionate about is getting into my jammies at the end of the day.” Wait. I digress. Where was I?

Oh, yeah. Here’s the thing. You’re wrong.

I want you to think about all the times when you take a picture of your coffee, fancy plate of food, little Sally coming across the finish line, Grandma acting silly, a sunset at the beach, a flower, or even a structure that’s beautiful to you. I want you to think about the time you went to someone’s wedding (who had hired a perfectly good wedding photographer) and you still felt compelled to get “that” shot.

Do you pause to take those photos because you don’t have enough things to squeeze into the precious minutes of your day? To me, it sounds like you’re passionate about capturing a moment and at those times you might even be thinking…

“I’d love to be able to zoom in on little Sally when she’s on the field.”


“How long do I have to wait for the guy in the Speedo to move out of my perfect sunset shot?!”


“I wish that wedding photographer would get out of my way because I HAVE THE PERFECT SHOT!”

Haha! (I’m sorry, but I know a lot of wedding photographers and that last one makes me giggle.)

The point is that you are passionate about photography and you are having photographer’s thoughts. So, own it! Love it! Do it! Here’s some of the best advice I can give you about all of it. Ready?

Pay attention to your photographer’s thoughts, give them an extra few seconds and your passion will reveal itself to you. If you take those images, look at them again and enjoy them and appreciate that moment. If you have an extra minute or two, take them into an app or program and have fun with the process. You might as well because you’re passionate about it. ;)

Have a wonderful day everyone!

You can read more of Kalebra’s writings and see more of her photography at, and follow her on Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest.

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