I’ve Got Nuthin’ Today, But a Heartfelt Thanks

Thanks to everybody who came to the Flash Photography Conference

We had such a great crowd — really enthusiastic, totally into learning more about flash, and just an awful lot of fun to preset to. Joe was, as you might imagine, just phenomenal on every level. People were raving about his talks and classes the whole time.

Joe is a living legend, and it was such an honor to have shared the stage with him. Also, I want to thank my team at KelbyOne who worked so hard to make this happen, with a special shout out to Christina, Erik, Juan, Mike, Rachel, Margie, Angela, Julio and Kathy, plus Ron and Jason who traveled up to Joe’s Studio in Connecticut and brought us the live action from up there.

Thanks to everyone who came and made it such an incredible event. I’m very grateful for the wonderful turnout, and all great folks to spend a few days with. :)

Here’s wishing you all a safe, healthy, and fun weekend. :)


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