Joe McNally’s New Book, “The Hot Shoe Diaries” Now Taking Preorders

joesnewbk After Joe’s release of what became the huge hit of 2009, his landmark book, “The Moment It Clicks,” everybody was asking for more Joe, and specifically “when’s he gonna do a book on small flashes?” Well, the wait it just about over! On Monday, Joe announced on his blog that he has finished all the writing for his new book, “The Hot Shoe Diaries,” (Big Light from Small Flashes) and now it’s in the final production stages, with an anticipated shipping date in mid to late March. I asked  Joe about his new book, and here’s what he said:

“Up front I dedicate a section of the book to the great shooters who taught us all, and those who are following in their footsteps to create a learning and sharing environment on the Web. Then, I do a thing on holding cameras and also holding flash…..I do thing on Quality, Color and Direction. Then 4 big sections….the biggest one is on using one light. Tried to offer up lots of simple solutions….”

That’s the short and sweet version, but if you’ve got a minute, Joe gave some great insights (and a look at some of the inside spreads) about the book on his blog. Here’s the link to it on Joe’s blog, but if you’re like me, and can’t wait to tear into this book, you can preorder it today from (where it’s the #1 bestselling preorder book in the entire photography category), or from Barnes &

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