Ken Got His Guitar (and The Springs of Hope Orphanage got $2,500)


Ken Toney, regular commenter here on the blog, won the raffle we did for the “Photoshop Guys Signature Guitar” and he sent me the shot above of the guitar, in its display case, hanging on the wall of his office (which is pretty sweet, by the way). Click on the photo for a larger view.

The raffle raised nearly $2,500 for the Springs of Hope Orphanage, and then we raised another $1,300+ from the off camera flash t-shirts (which are still available, in four stunning styles by the way), right here.

Also, we raised an additional $1,000 through this blog’s affiliate program with Think Tank Photo, (makers of the most awesome camera bags I’ve ever used) so if you’re thinking of buying any Think Tank gear (over $50), use this link and: (1) You’ll get a cool freebie from Think Tank (see below), and (2) 100% of the affiliate fee goes directly to the orphanage.

Here are the free Think Tank Goodies you get to choose from:

Anyway, all totally cool stuff, for a really important cause.

Thanks to Ken for sharing the photo, and thanks to you all for helping to support the great kids from the Spring of Hope Kenya Orphanage.

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