“Light It Magazine” App News Update

Just a quick update for the folks that have been having a hard time downloading either issues #2 or #3:

(1) What’s driving us crazy, is the download problem is only happening a few users which makes it harder to track down. In our offices, all of our employees that downloaded issue’s 2 and 3 had no problem except one woman. She has an iPad 2, she downloaded the free update from the App store, and everything seems to be set perfectly, but for some reason she still can’t download issue #2, but she can download issue #3 no problem (uggh!). Either way; we’re working on it.

(2) One fix that has worked for a lot of people is to do this: Go to settings, and turn Restrictions ON.
Under Allowed Content make sure In-App Purchases is ON. (If it is already, then toggle OFF, then back ON for good measure.) Then try the download again.

(3) If the download didn’t work after trying it a few times, try it again today. For some reason, people who couldn’t download it two days ago now are suddenly able to download it even though nothing has changed.

It’s Slealthy
Big bugs apparently are easier to fix then problems that just a few people are experiencing, but if you’re one of the people it’s happening to, it doesn’t make it any less frustrating, so please accept my apology for the problem and know that our developer is working on it daily. We’ll get it sorted out (we have to), but in the meantime I wanted to just let you know that if you’re having a problem downloading either issues #2 or #3, we’re working on. Thanks for your patience (and believe me, nobody wants you to get your issue more than we do). :)

I’m having a flash back
This reminds of some of the problems we’ve had with our print magazines over the years. Sometimes, the magazine just doesn’t arrive in the mail. We put a stamp on it. Carefully address it, and send it to the post office, but with each issue we hear from subscribers whose issue for some reason never arrives. They’ve gotten every other issue, but this month—nothing, and for no obvious reason. But with Apps, I think we (you, me) expect that delivery isn’t going to be the problem. I guess some things never change. Double-uggh!

One last thing
If you’re having any problems, make sure you follow us on Facebook as it’s the first place fixes (and announcements of updates, and new issues) are posted. Here’s the link: http://www.facebook.com/LightIt 


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