Mini Blog
Hi Gang:
I’m kind of up to my ears here at Photoshop World, so I don’t really have a blog post this morning (which is why I’m posting so late). I’ve got a 10:45 am class, so I’m preparing for the class, and that sort of thing, so I’ll try to ping back to you guys tomorrow.
In the meantime, don’t forget to check J-bon’s live blog from Photoshop World, right here.
Also, don’t miss’s daily video blogs from the show, including an quick interview with Adobe VP John Loiacono on Lightroom 2.0 Public Beta, and a video clip of Adobe’s CS4 Sneak Peek from the Photoshop World opening keynote.
P.S. I saw a number of comments, and posts on other people’s blogs who thought my PageMaker 7.0 post from April 1st, was an April Fool’s Joke. It wasn’t. Here’s the link—see for yourself.