My Automotive Photography as Told Through

I just released another “Photo storytelling” post over at, and this is the first one where I’ve been able to use some of their newly introduced editing tools, including the ability to embed links, and feature one image at full width within a group of images (the editing tweaks they’ve added have been really nice. If you’re an Exposure user, here’s a link to a short video that outlines the new stuff  — when you get there, scroll down to Feb 12th).

Anyway, I put together some of my favorite automative images over there from the past year (along with two taken this past week out in Vegas), and if you've got a quick minute, I hope you'll check it out â” here's the link.

Here’s wishing you a great weekend, and we’ll see you back here on Monday. :)



P.S. I’m working on setting up a studio car shoot next Wednesday while I’m out in Phoenix for my seminar. I’ve got an amazing studio for shooting cars lined up — now I just need an exotic sports or luxury car. If you know anyone out there who has a car that would work and wants a studio shoot and a print poster made of it, let me know here in the comments. Thanks. :)


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