NAPP Surpases 70,000 Members!


Another announcement from yesterday’s Photoshop World keynote was that the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) has now surpassed 70,000 members. This is a true testament to the real passion people around the world have for Adobe Photoshop and the community that has grown to support it.

We when started NAPP, nearly 10 years ago, we never dreamed that one day it would grow to become what it has, and it’s so gratifying to see so many members from around the world helping each other, supporting each other, and coming together as part of this global community. I don’t think there’s ever been another program that has the power to bring users together like Photoshop does, and my hats-off, and a sincere congrats to the amazing people at Adobe who have created something amazing, that it has literally changed our world.

Thanks to all our loyal members, sponsors, partners, and friends who’ve supported NAPP over the years, and helped to build this vibrant, growing worldwide community.

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