Nbrs 8, 9, & 10 of “10 Things You Didn’t Know (or Forgot) Were in Photoshop

Happy Tuesday, everybody! It’s a happy Tuesday because I’m stickin’ a fork in this series because I think both of us (you, and me) have had about enough of this series. It sounded like a good idea at first, but after 7 posts and a combined total of just 10 comments between all of them (so, an average of 1.43 comments per post), I figured it’s time to bail on this fairly lame idea, so I put the final three all in this one video.

This last one is actually better than it sounds, ’cause I’ve got three good little things in there, but if history is an indication, it will raise a collective yawn, and perhaps 1.43 comments, so…..here’s the video.

OK, now we can put that behind us, and enjoy a wonderful Guest Blog Wednesday tomorrow from the awesome Stacy Pearsall.

Have a great Tuesday folks!


P.S. Next week I’m in Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale with my seminar. Ya’ll come out. :)

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