New to Photoshop? Let Dave Cross Be Your Guide


Even though NAPP is “The National Assn. of Photoshop Professionals,” not only do we have thousands of non-pro members worldwide, every day we have lots of people who join NAPP that are absolutely brand new to Photoshop—-total beginners——and they’ve joined NAPP to learn how to get their arms around this amazing program (a lot of these brand new users are friends of existing NAPP members).

That’s why we create a special section of the NAPP member website just for brand new Photoshop users to help get them up to speed fast. Their guide is NAPP’s own Senior Curriculum Director Dave Cross, and Dave has put together a series of beginner training videos that not only teach these new members how to use Photoshop from the ground up; he also shows them all the different areas of NAPP that are specifically for them (from beginner’s articles in the magazine to beginner’s resources and videos on the member Web site; from how to get help from NAPP’s Help desk, to getting help from other members around the world), plus how to leverage all the beginner info we create each month to get them ahead faster.

Although Dave is very modest about this new special area, he really did a kick-butt job on it, and he continues to expand and grow this rapidly growing area of NAPP membership, so if you’re a NAPP member, next time you’re at the member Website, click on the “Brand New to Photoshop—Start Here?” button on the top right, and take Dave’s tour, and beginner’s course. It’s the first step on a very amazing, challenging, and incredibly fun journey.

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