Our History-Making “First Annual” Worldwide PhotoWalk Rocked!!!


First, did you catch that “First Annual” up in the headline? Yeah, baby!!!! We had such a great response, and so many people asking about it, and we’ve already decided to make it an annual event. :)

But before I tell you what a blast I had with my own local photowalk, here are some excerpts from comments posted on my blog on Saturday:

Besides those comments, I’ve gotten dozens of personal emails from participants and leaders around the world, and I’m just so grateful to everyone who joined in to create something really special, and really fun.

My PhotoWalk in Dunedin, Florida.
When I got there, about 30 minutes early, it was beautiful. Then about 10 minutes before the walk started, it starting pouring rain. Then, right at starting time, it was like somebody flipped a switch—the rain stopped for precisely two hours. When our walk was over, we sat down in the restaurant, and then the rain restarted. I just smiled. :)

OK, here are some ‘behind the scenes’ photos from my walk:

When the rain came before my walk, we all ducked under this nearby Gazebo, but by starting time, it had cleared and off we went! (photo by RC).

My good buddy RC came as a “Guest Walker” and here he is, outside my car, when it first started pouring. RC’s always prepared. (photo of RC).

Part of my group, as seen from the Harbor Master’s 2nd floor office.

Hitting downtown Dunedin (pron. Done-eed-in).

RC “McNally” Giottos BridgeHome (his full name) is pretty dangerous with that SB-800. If only he had remembered batteries.

Hey, no Chimpin’ during the walk.

After the walk, we chilled out at “Sea Sea Riders” Key-West style restaurant. It was totally yummy, and there was enough of us that we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves.

Having lunch with some new friends at Sea Sea’s. (photo by RC’s and his flash).

After my walk (and my NFL Fantasy Football Draft), I went to RC’s walk for a little while (he held his in downtown Clearwater, Florida). I met some great folks there, too.

I ended the day by stopping by Rod Harlan’s Safety Harbor, Florida shoot. It was pouring rain when I got there too, and as luck would have it, Rod choose his meet-up starting point as a Gazebo in a park downtown.

Rod admonishing me for taking his photo during his opening comments. I sprayed him with pepper spray just moments after this was taken. ;-)

Tomorrow, I hope to have a short video to post, taken during my PhotoWalk, to give you an idea of what it’s really like, but I can tell you this; we had an awful lot of fun—I met some really great people—I didn’t get a single shot worth a darn, but I sure saw some of my photowalkers who did great some great stuff!

Lots more to report tomorrow, so stay tuned. :)

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