Problem With Comments On My Blog
Hi Gang: Earlier this week I saw some comments that you’re posting comments but they’re not getting through. I don’t moderate my comments—-if you write them, they go live immediately, unless my blog’s built-in Spam filter thinks it’s spam.
It will usually mark it as spam if you include more than one link in your comment, or if you use the word Viagra. ;-)
Anyway, for some reason, it’s been blocking all sorts of comments in the past week, so I went back through all the thousands of spam comments I get in a week (over 240 pages worth), and I found a bunch of comments that you guys posted but got marked as spam.
First, I’m so sorry they were delayed, and we’re checking on the problem, and how to fix it.
Secondly, thanks to everyone who commented. There were lots of great comments, and I appreciate it very much. By the way: I read each and every comment you post, and occassionally respond back in the post, or in some cases, I just email you back directly (depending on my schedule, so I don’t get to answer nearly as many as I’d like), but either way—I read every single one.
Thanks for your patience while we get this spam comment thing worked out, but I’ll be keeping an eye out several times a day in case a legitimate comment gets tossed in the Spam Can. :)
All my best,