Psyched! Sports Illustrated included one of my shots from the “Beef ‘O’ Bradys Bowl” in their SI Snapshot “Photos of the Day”

OK, I just had to share this because…well…it’s Sports Illustrated, and I am just really excited!!!!

This was shot on assignment for the wire service I shoot for, Southcreek Global Media, at the “Beef ‘O’ Brady Bowl” (A Big East conference college bowl, played at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida). During Bowl Games we try to upload images from each quarter live as the game unfolds, and so this year I again asked Matt Kloskowski to be my editor, and he worked up in the Press Box above the field during the game and after  (see his photo below).

(Above: Here’s Matt’s view from the Pressbox, taken after the game with his iPhone. He added a few annotations to show you how rough he had it). ;-) Matt gave a behind-the-scenes report over on Google+. Here’s the link).

Matt and I didn’t get home until around 3:00 am (well, after the final uploads after midnight we had an hour drive home, and a late-night stop by Applebees), so I didn’t see that SI had featured the shot until the following day when a very kind follower on my Facebook page posted the news. When I saw it, I did a major happy dance!

Thanks to SI for including my shot; to Matt for being such a great editor, and to Southcreek for giving me the assignment in the first place. I’m shooting an NFL game this week (more on this shortly), and then the Outback Bowl on January 2nd.

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