Scenes From The Gallery Retrospective of Bert Monroy’s Work


One of the highlights of my trip to San Francisco was getting to see the Hearst Gallery’s retrospective on one of the most brilliant digital artists of our time, our good friend (and Photoshop Hall of Famer) Bert Monroy. What an amazing exhibition (and beautifully presented by the gallery—kudos to them for an outstanding job).

The gallery was closed that day, but Bert arranged for us to have a private tour with him, and it was just amazing. I’ve seen Bert’s amazing photo-realistic work many times over the years, but seeing it at that scale really revealed the incredible detail that he puts into his work.

The shots below give you just a glimpse at the retrospective, and besides his work (all output on the latest Epson printers—including an entire section of the exhibit printed on large canvas), they had a number of important stepping stones from Bert’s career, including corporate work he had done in the early days, his first book (the first book ever on Adobe Photoshop), and even Bert’s original 128k Macintosh (shown below). It’s an amazing exhibit and if you’re out in the San Francisco area (the Hearst Gallery is just outside Berkley in Moraga, California—here’s the link), you’ve got to see it for yourself. Stunning work from a living legend, and true pioneer of digital art.

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