Shooting With David Cuerdon and Friends


Here’s a shot (top) taken after a location shoot set up by my buddy Dave Cuerdon this past Monday (that’s me on the left, then our wonderful model Marliese, that’s David in the middle, and our award-winning Make Up Artist and Stylist Lisa, who also happens to be Dave’s wife.

The shoot was in an old abandoned Ice Factory, and in the shot of Marliese shown directly above, I used just a single Nikon SB-800 off-camera flash on a lightstand shooting through an umbrella to diffuse the light, set to the right of my camera and positioned close to her, but about a foot or so above her head, aiming down at her (as I said during my Lighting Gear week; if I’m going to use an umbrella, I want to be shooting through it—otherwise it acts more like a light grenade). The advantage of this set-up is—it’s so darn compact and light as a feather.

The image was taken with a Nikon D3 (400 ISO, at 1/60 of a sec at f/4), using the new 24-70mm f/2.8 lens that’s matched to the full frame D3.

Anyway, just thought I’d share this one before I head to the airport for the flight to Dubai. I have no idea what my blogging schedule will be, so I’ll either post pretty shortly, or not for a day or so. See you then (whenever that is). :)

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