Shooting With David Ziser on Saturday (and today's news)
I got lucky enough to spend the day shooting and learning from one of the hottest Wedding photographers in the industry todayâ”the amazing David Ziser. David was hired to shoot a huge black-tie wedding in Cincinnati and was kind enough to invite me to come up and spend the day with him so I could see behind the scenes how he shoots a wedding of this scale.
It was really an amazing experienceâ”and even though I was technically there just auditing the wedding, I still wound up shooting about 1200 frames (it was a really long day—-we shot for five hours before the ceremony even began, and didn’t leave until after 2:00 am).
The shot above (click on it to see a larger version–then scroll down to the next post for a slideshow from the wedding) was taken about three hours before the wedding, shot handheld at 400 ISO using a single Nikon SB-800 flash to light the bride (I had the flash set at full power, aiming nearly straight up. It didn’t really bounce (the ceiling was too high), but the flash spilled just enough light onto to her that it worked. It took a number of test shots to get it where it didn’t light the aisle too much, and I added a little vignette effect in Lightroom to help darken the aisle carpeting a bit.
As for the wedding shoot itself; David was amazing (a true master); I kept taking notes all day, I really learned a lot, and I can’t remember when I’ve worked that hard (and had that much fun).
Now, it’s time for the news (Scroll down to the next post for a slideshow of some of other wedding and reception shots, then the post following that is today’s news update).