So, They Asked Me 21 Questions…

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…and I answered a whole bunch of them! The folks from B&H Photo (the single greatest camera store on the entire planet, and possibly the universe), sat down with me for a quick interview on all sorts of topics. I hope you’ll give it a quick watch (you can let it run in the background while you’re retouching. The dulcet tone of my voice with soothe you into a semi-coma-like state and make you “one” with the image). 😂

Here’s the Official Trailer For The Wildlife Photography Conference

I just got the trailer last night and wanted to share it with you here today because it really captures the spirit of what we’re trying to accomplish with this upcoming conference. Can you give it a quick look if you’re got a sec? I think you’ll dig it (and the conference). Here’s where to sign up to attend the online conference.

It’s “Photo Tip Friday!” – How to Scout Landscape Locations Online

Our friend and KelbyOne instructor, Ramtin “Rammy” Kazemi has a great photo tip on how he uses to use Google Maps for scout landscape shooting . It’s really short (just one minute), and you’ll dig it.

Plus, there’s Rammy’s new course on “Enhancing Landscape Images in Photoshop”

It just came out. Check out the official trailer below. Here’s the direct link to the course.

Here’s wishing you a fantastic, safe, happy, healthy weekend. Don’t forget to catch up on WandaVision on Disney+ and I think the new Walking Dead season kicks off again Sunday night after a long, long, long, winter break. It’s going to be a great weekend! :)


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