Some Late Updates From The Road

Good morning everybody and a big hello from the Lonestar State. Here’s a quick look at what’s going on:

> Loving Austin!
Yesterday I had a great seminar here in Austin (almost 500 photographers joined me for the day), and met lots of great folks (also accidentally made off with the Wacom’s guy’s pen. Left mine somewhere (probably in a hotel room in India), and he loaned me his to use for the class, but by the time I was done answering questions at the end of the day, he was long gone. Stuart, I have your pen and would love to send it back to you!).

> I Almost Got to Shoot The SuperBowl. Almost. :(
It’s been a dream of mine (and any football photographer) to shoot the SuperBowl, and a friend of mine worked really hard to make my dream come true, and I actually had a photo credential lined up, but yesterday I found out that it wasn’t coming through afterall. I knew it was a long shot, so I made myself not get pumped up about it, but it sure would have been surreal. I’m not complaining—-last year I got to shoot the NFC Champtionship game, so at least I got one game away. Thanks to my buddy for going out of his way to try and make a dream come true. That’s a great friend! :)

> The Late Blog Post
The reason I didn’t get to blog last night was: I was on the panel for a live broadcast of a Google+ hangout, hosted by Trey Ratcliff and broadcast on the Twit network (and YouTube as well). Great panelists, including Jeremy Cowart, RC, Nicole Young, Catherine Hall, Gordan Liang, and Brian Matiash (among others). The topic was: Shoots gone wrong, and everybody shared their horror stories. A great time, and lots of scary stories (Jeremy had a doozy!).

> Light it Issue #5
We are getting lots of wonderful feedback on the current issue, and the magazine is really finding its legs. If you haven’t downloaded the new issue, it’s on the App store.

> Come see me in Dallas and Phoenix
My next stops on my seminar tour are Dallas on Feb 21st, and Phoenix on the 22nd. Hope you can join me (here’s the link). Also, this weekend I’ll be teaching at the ProPhoto Expo in Cincinnati—if you’re going, make sure you stop and say hi! :)

That’s it for today. Sorry for the late post, but after that hangout last night, I was tired I literally fell into bed. Got a decent night’s sleep though. ;-)

Have a great Tuesday everybody! :)

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