Take a peek at what makes me tick in this SmugMug Films World Premiere

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SmugMug Films just released this video as a part of their on-going inspirational series on photographers and I’m so proud and excited to be a part of it. The experience of working with Smugmug on this project was so much fun, and getting to work with Smugmug’s director, editor and wizard of video, the amazing Anton Lorimer, was something I’ll never forget.

I hope you enjoy the video (and I hope you’ll share with other photographers out there as a way to introduce them this very cool series from SmugMug — I’m the fourth photographer in their series of videos and if you haven’t seen the others yet, you will love them — Here’s the link [you can subscribe for free to get all the photographer profiles as they’re released]).

My humble thanks to everyone at Smugmug for including me in their vision — it is truly an honor.

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