Taking A Sick Day…

Hey gang, Brad here.  I just got a message from Scott asking me to let you all know that he’s taking a sick day from the blog today.  He’s got a cold, along with all the coughy, sniffly, wheezy, blechy stuff that comes with it.  Nothing serious, just enough to need a day off from the blog :)

He did ask me to pass along his thanks to John Keatley for a great guest blog on Wednesday.  He told me that he really enjoyed the heartfelt story that John shared about one of the people who helped him pursue his photography career.  If you missed it for some reason, I highly recommend going back and giving it a read.  As one of the commenters said, it feels like a short read, but it’s not… It’s just an engrossing story! Plus, how intimidating must it have been to photograph Annie Leibovitz?? Again, thanks John for being part of the guest blog series!

Since it’s Friday, I thought I would share some fun links with you all…

On a serious note, Wednesday’s guest blog has had me thinking about the people who have helped me pursue my photography career.  Over the past few years, I’ve had the pleasure of not only meeting but becoming friends with many well-known people in the photo industry.  There are days I wish I could go back and tell 18 year-old me about all the crazy adventures that lie ahead.  But none of this would even be remotely possible if it weren’t for one person who was an influence early on, and continues to be today.

Jim Veneman was my photo professor at Union University.  But he was and is so much more than that to me, many of my friends, and the students he continues teaching today.  He is teacher, mentor, friend, and advisor.  He cares.  He is passionate not just about photography, but about students’ lives.  When he teaches, he doesn’t just show pretty pictures and talk about equivalent exposure… He teaches you about life, and the difference a photograph can make in your life and other people’s lives.

Jim – Thank you for being the person that you are and caring as much as you do.  The world could use more teachers like you.

If you’d like to meet Jim in person, check out the Southwestern Photojournalism Conference coming up in March :)

Alright, that’s it from me today guys and gals!  Have a great weekend!

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