The Digital Photography Show Live at my DC Lightroom Tour


Scott Sherman of “The Digital Photography Show” (shown above with me during the lunch break at my DC Lightroom Tour on Monday—photo by the ubiquitous Dave Moser), did a segment on this week’s show on the tour itself, and he interviewed me for this episode (which is already online) where we talked about the tour, and I unveiled the concept behind my new upcoming Photoshop book, “Scott Kelby’s Seven-Point System for Adobe Photoshop CS3”, which is already in production, and will be in bookstores next month. You can listen to the show right there on their Website (here’s the link).

Thanks to Scott (and co-host Michael Stein), for having me on, and for creating such a cool (and fast growing) show, with such great, enthusiastic listeners.

NOTE: Scroll down to the next post for the latest Wednesday news. :)

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