The 5 Most-Popular Blog Posts For 2015

Woman holding blank sign in front her face, on color background

Happy Friday everybody! On Monday and Tuesday we looked at some of the best, and most commented-upon Guest Blog posts from this past year, and today we’re continuing my “Best of 2015 on the Blog” with a look at some of the most popular posts overall.

Here we go:

(1) I’m Dumping My Apple Watch
With 228 comments, it was my most-commented upon post of the year, which should give you some idea of the emotional weight people put behind (or against) anyone mentioning they bought an Apple product. If you read the comments on this post, you’ll be surprised at how nasty some people got because I said I was returning my watch. I didn’t tell anyone they should sell theirs, mind you — I just talked about why it didn’t work for me. Apparently, that was enough for some people to totally lose their minds, and on both sides of the fence.

(2) Are You Shooting With a Lens in that “No Man’s Land Focal Range.” 

You would have thought I mentioned an Apple product with as many angry comments as this solicited. I was providing an idea, a thought some photographers might just consider, but all it did was make anybody who owns a 24-70mm lens come out in angry defense of it. It spawned discussions, blog posts, and forum rants on sites around the Web. Apparently, not a topic you can have a rational discussion about.

(3) I Hate To Admit This, But I Just Bought Another Apple Watch

When Apple introduced Watch OS2, it addressed my major complaint about the watch, so I bought another one (I had returned the original one for a full refund), and of course, once again some folks lost their mind, and said I did the whole thing as a publicity stunt. Trust me, very few people would think the “human pin cushion style” of comments I got on either post would constitute as “good publicity.”

(4) Could it be? Yes it is! Another Down & Dirty Trick?
I started doing a series of Photoshop special effects every Friday, and it started out pretty well, with a nice stream of feedback, but the more I did, the less people commented and giving feedback of any kind (this is good, this is bad, etc.), and when you’re writing stuff and it takes a really long time to do each one, and nobody seems to care, you stop, which is what I did. At least this one, early on, got some feedback.

(5) Seven Things They Need to Fix in Periscope
Thankfully, they have already addressed a lot of these.

OK that’s the top five. I wanted to share another few that were among the most popular, and all definitely worth checking out: They are: 

1. 7 Reasons why Photographers Need to Be on Instagram (link)

2. Kalebra Kelby’s Guest Blog (link)

3. If You Were Only Allowed to Have 10 Pieces of Photographic Gear, What Would They Be? (link)

4. You know what this country needs? 1-million more Selfie Sticks ;-) (link)

5. It’s “Reprocess Your Old Images Tuesday (link)

6. I’m Too Old To Be Making Rookie Mistakes Like This… (link)

7. It’s “Back Up Your Photos” Tuesday (link)

Well, there ya have it — some light reading for the weekend. Hope yours is a great one! (



P.S. My first full-day seminars of the year are coming up. I’m in Richmond on the 27th, and in Atlanta on the 29th. Hope I get to see you there (here’s the link with details). 

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