This is Totally Unrelated to Well…Anything, But “Here’s Big Electric Cat!”

OK, this is totally off topic, but I’ve had so many people ask me here on the blog if I had a recording or a video of my band, “Big Electric Cat” and I didn’t have one…until now. I ran across a DVD taped two years ago at B.B. Kings Bar & Grill. My foot was in a cast (note the crutches on the left behind me) , so I had to sit most of the time (I don’t like to sit when I play), but at least I found it.

It’s us playing the last song of the night — it’s kind of our trademark song, originally recorded by Mother’s Finest, it’s called “Baby Love.” The audio mix is pretty lame, as is the lighting, but you still at least kinda get the idea. So, without further ado (yes, that was “ado”) here is Baby Love performed by Big Electric Cat (From L to R: Tony Llanes on Guitar, Felix Nelson on Bass, Kalebra on Vocals, Scott Stahley on Drums, and me on Keyboards).

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